Abstract: Serving lines (1) have ends that extend into a kitchen (2). At the sides of the serving lines (1) are seats (12), shelves (11), distribution ports sealed off with flaps (10), and equipment for remote ordering. Orders are transmitted to the kitchen (2), which is equipped with a terminal (8) and a printer (9). An order is prepared and placed, with the bill, on a tray (18) that is deposited at the end of a serving line, which automatically transports the tray to the position of the customer who originated the order. A flap (10) then opens temporarily for the tray to be removed. After eating, the customer goes to a till, presents the bill, pays and leaves. A processor monitors automatic operation of the system; it is linked to the till for the appropriate checks. Special serving lines are also proposed to which customers with prepaid cards have access, offering such customers remote payment services as well.