Abstract: A method and system for remotely monitoring the magnitude and direction of net electrical power and current flow to or from a power generation facility over the transmission lines operably connected thereto allows for the estimation of the power output of that facility. The method includes detecting and measuring the magnetic field emanating from the monitored transmission line(s), and detecting a signal synchronized to the power system frequency, typically the electric field, emanating from the transmission lines. The method further includes evaluating, storing, and transmitting the data on the electromagnetic (EM) fields that are recorded.
Abstract: An apparatus and method allows for a determination of the amount and direction of electric power flowing over a particular high-voltage electric power transmission line without proximate access to said transmission line, and thus can be used to provide a determination of the amount of electric power being produced by any particular electric power generation plant connected to an electric power transmission grid.
Abstract: A method for remotely monitoring the magnitude and direction of net electrical power and current flow to or from a facility over a prolonged period of time. The method includes detecting and measuring the magnetic field emanating from the monitored line(s), and detecting a signal synchronized to the power system frequency, typically the electric field, emanating from the power lines. The method further includes evaluating, storing, and transmitting the data on the electromagnetic (EM) fields that are recorded.