Abstract: A boost regulator for a supercharger is responsive to one or more vehicle operation parameter inputs to determine limits of boost applied to an internal combustion engine. In one configuration, the boost regulator limits the amount of movement of a conventional dashpot boost control valve actuator based on various vehicle and sensor input data. In another configuration, the boost regulator adjusts the amount of boost output during supercharger operation in response to the vehicle and sensor input data.
Abstract: A control system for a vehicular supercharger regulates the flow of a vacuum signal to a boost valve to modulate the supply of compressed air to an internal combustion engine. In one embodiment, the control system includes a solenoid that regulates the vacuum signal in response to one or more vehicle sensor signals inputted to an electronic controller.
November 3, 2016
Publication date:
September 28, 2017
Hamburger's Specialty Vehicles, Inc.
David Goral, Henry Daniecki, Edward Hamburger