Abstract: There is described a portable water monitor for fire fighting, irrigating or other watering purposes. The water invention is of compact, stable, light-weight configuration. The device has a base unit which may be filled with water to increase the weight of the unit when deployed in the field. Compact plumbing is provided which permits the monitor nozzle to be rotated 360.degree. in the horizontal direction about a vertical axis swivel coupling and to be elevated and depressed in a ball and socket coupling. The ball and socket coupling additionally provides that the monitor nozzle may be offset relative to the swivel action coupling on the ball and socket coupling. This offset, which is actually the ability to point the nozzle away from the unit's vertical axis, creates a rotational force for the nozzle by harnessing a portion of the reaction force which acts through the center of the nozzle. The unit can be manually or remotely controlled.