Abstract: A new or alternative computer-enabled multichannel distribution management tool, system and method that facilitate multi-channel distribution management of product to the market. The tool, method and system allow manufacturers management of transactions across all distribution channels and throughout the distribution chain, including to the “tail end” of the distribution chain after sale to an end consumer, where manufacturer liability remains (e.g. for returns or warranty repairs or servicing). This facilitates the calculation of “true” profits for manufacturers, based on pre- and post-sales data (e.g. costs associated with the sale of each widget through any given distribution channel). The multichannel distribution management tool also provides distributors and retailers a centralized tool to manage transactions downstream from their relative positions in the distribution chain.
Abstract: A new or alternative computer-enabled multichannel distribution management tool, system and method that facilitate multi-channel distribution management of product to the market. The tool, method and system allow manufacturers management of transactions across all distribution channels and throughout the distribution chain, including to the “tail end” of the distribution chain after sale to an end consumer, where manufacturer liability remains (e.g. for returns or warranty repairs or servicing). This facilitates the calculation of “true” profits for manufacturers, based on pre- and post-sales data (e.g. costs associated with the sale of each widget through any given distribution channel). The multichannel distribution management tool also provides distributors and retailers a centralized tool to manage transactions downstream from their relative positions in the distribution chain.