Abstract: Techniques to create and use a data transfer guide are disclosed. In various embodiments, at least a portion of application code comprising an application is executed in a virtual machine execution environment. An interaction between the application code executing in the virtual machine execution environment with a data entity included in a set of production data is observed programmatically. A data that represents the data entity is included in a data transfer guide at least in part programmatically.
Abstract: Techniques to create and use a data transfer guide are disclosed. In various embodiments, at least a portion of application code comprising an application is executed in a virtual machine execution environment. An interaction between the application code executing in the virtual machine execution environment with a data entity included in a set of production data is observed programmatically. A data that represents the data entity is included in a data transfer guide at least in part programmatically.
Abstract: Object-oriented software-based systems may be optimized by providing a data representation which is initially permitted to be completely dynamic such that at compile time representation need not be specified and thereafter the data structure and representation is progressively optimized. The invention is based on the recognition that the important data structures in object-oriented systems are not the objects but rather the slots, i.e., the attributes of objects.
Abstract: A method and system are provided for mapping between an application relational database of arbitrary structure and an application knowledge base in order to permit a user to draw inference through a knowledge base. Also included are procedures for translating knowledge base queries into database queries, for transforming data retrieved from the database into units (structured objects) in the knowledge base and for updating a relational database based on changes made to the application knowledge base. These procedures are supported by general purpose knowledge bases. The method includes providing mapping knowledge bases for storing the mapping between an arbitrary relational database and the application knowledge base. The mapping between classes in the application knowledge base and the relations on a database is stored explicitly in units in a user mapping knowledge base. These units are called class maps.
Abstract: In artificial intelligence, a method is provided for representing a directed acyclic graph of worlds using an assumption-based truth maintenance system (ATMS) as a tool. The invention introduces the concepts of a nondeletion assumption and a deletion nogood, in order to allow deletion of an assertion upon transition between worlds. The traditional (de Kleer) ATMS tool is augmented to allow distinction between two kinds of assumptions, namely the nondeletion assumption and the world assumption. The nondeletion assumption is the elementary stipulation indicating the presence of an added assertion in a world. The world assumption is the elementary stipulation representing existence of a world. According to the invention, a method for testing assertions is provided for determining whether an assertion holds in a world. The method involves taking into account the presence of deletion nogoods relevant to the tested assertion.