Abstract: A digital data on-demand turnkey system at a customer premise wherein N number of sewers provide for 100% of content distribution of remotely stored digitized information, which information may be previewed in real-time, and product incorporating selected digitized information can be manufactured on-site and within a short response time to a customer's request at a point of sale location. In a retail environment customers, at a point-of-sale location are able to exhaustively search and preview the content database using graphics-based touch screens at consumer kiosks. Previews including audio and video segments are made available. Prompting screens allow customers to make purchasing decisions by stipulating content which is available from any number of categories of subject matter including music.
December 10, 1996
Date of Patent:
March 31, 1998
International Business Systems, Incorporated
James T. Tsevdos, Ross L. Cook, Nancy Lee Ring, Robert S. Barnhill, Glen E. Hamblin, Kenneth L. Milsted, Craig N. Kindell, Susan Elizabeth Waefler, Carlos Portela, Brent C. Anderson
Abstract: A continuous business forms assembly comprises a plurality of interconnected units stackable into an array, with each unit including a first ply and a second ply. The first ply of one of the units is connected to the first ply of an adjacent unit with a series of transversely spaced ties. The second ply of the one unit is connected to the second ply of the adjacent unit with a series of transversely spaced ties which are transversely offset with respect to the first ply ties. When the business forms assembly is folded at the interconnection of the adjacent units, the first and second plies combine to form only a single ply thickness which is required to be folded.
February 6, 1995
Date of Patent:
August 13, 1996
International Business Systems, Incorporated