Abstract: A method comprising the stages of: olive input, separation of the stone from the olive skin and pulp, with the removal of the whole stone; electric pulsing of the olive paste generated in the previous stage, process of dehydration of the pulsed olive paste up to a humidity of less than 30% in a continuous vacuum drying machine and subsequent separation of the oil by centrifugation of the olive oil, followed by dehydration of the degreased pulp up to a humidity of less than 10%; and lastly, application of supercritical fluids (CO2 with or without modifier) to the degreased and dehydrated pulp, under agitation, pressure, temperature and time conditions, obtaining olive extracts and olive flour. The generation of waste, consumption of water, use of highly toxic solvents and loss of the sensory quality of the oil is avoided, the yields improved and the necessary times reduced.
Abstract: A method comprising the stages of: olive input, separation of the stone from the olive skin and pulp, with the removal of the whole stone; electric pulsing of the olive paste generated in the previous stage, process of dehydration of the pulsed olive paste up to a humidity of less than 30% in a continuous vacuum drying machine and subsequent separation of the oil by centrifugation of the olive oil, followed by dehydration of the degreased pulp up to a humidity of less than 10%; and lastly, application of supercritical fluids (CO2 with or without modifier) to the degreased and dehydrated pulp, under agitation, pressure, temperature and time conditions, obtaining olive extracts and olive flour. The generation of waste, consumption of water, use of highly toxic solvents and loss of the sensory quality of the oil is avoided, the yields improved and the necessary times reduced.