Patents Assigned to JP OX Engineering
  • Patent number: 6492204
    Abstract: A method for and an electronic device circuit board having a contact and an integrated circuit chip of a given physical geometry, the chip having a lead electrically connected in hot-soldered relation to the contact, the chip having a protective composition congruent therewith and adhering thereto, the composition being a resin having thermostatic crystalline polymer chain portions and thermodynamic polymer chain portions, the thermodynamic polymer chain portions being present in such proportion that they expansively absorb the heat of the hot solder connection in preference to the thermostatic crystalline polymer chain portions. The protective composition remains congruent with and adheres to the physical geometry of the chip through a soldering cycle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 22, 2001
    Date of Patent: December 10, 2002
    Assignee: JP OX Engineering
    Inventor: Richard Jacobs