Patents Assigned to Kimball International, Inc.
  • Patent number: 4129055
    Abstract: Circuitry in an electronic organ for electronically storing a series of signals corresponding to depressed keys depression and for recalling the stored series in response to player commands.The circuit allows the player to play accompaniment chords of a piece of music alone and at any desired pace, and then while manually rendering the righthand, or solo, portion of the music. The chords are played by simply depressing a single control button whenever the next chord in the stored series is required.A further feature of the invention is the ability to store sets of switch or tab or other selector element settings for later recall. The selector element setting storage circuit enables the player to switch tab settings during storage of chords, while storing the patterns in the order in which they will be desired.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 1977
    Date of Patent: December 12, 1978
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: Billy J. Whittington, Timothy L. Burns, Alan B. Welsh
  • Patent number: 4120225
    Abstract: An electronic organ in which rhythmic note patterns can be played on the accompaniment manual by the depression of a single key. The organ includes a source of rhythmic pulses which may, for example, be taken from the pulse source of a conventional rhythm unit. The accompaniment manual of the organ can be played in a conventional manner or it can be adjusted to play rhythmic note patterns during which the normal playing of the accompaniment manual is disabled and only a selected group of accompaniment keys, preferably a group of adjacent keys at the left end of the keyboard, are enabled for controlling the pattern to be played. When the organ is adjusted for pattern playing, each of the aforementioned group of keys is operable, when depressed, to initiate the playing of a pattern in conformity with stored memories and in further conformity with the respective one of the pattern controlling keys which is depressed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 17, 1977
    Date of Patent: October 17, 1978
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: Ralph Nowack Dietrich, John William Robinson
  • Patent number: 4117758
    Abstract: A special circuit arrangement intended for use with electronic organs and the like, and particularly intended for use with electronic organs having playing key operated switches and in which at least a portion of the switches actuated by keys of a keyboard are encoded into binary words during playing.The circuit of the present invention, in particular, is a debouncing circuit which prevents the acceptance by the organ system of a false binary word from the encoder which can be created by the bounce which is inherent in mechanical switches of the type employed for being actuated by the keys of the keyboard.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 4, 1976
    Date of Patent: October 3, 1978
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: James Patrick Osburn, John William Robinson
  • Patent number: 4112802
    Abstract: An organ circuitry for providing fill notes and a method of operating the organ in which a circuit is provided which adds fill notes automatically in the multiplexed solo manual of an electronic organ, by detecting the first pulse encountered by the multiplexer during a scan of the keyboard and developing further pulses in conformity therewith but pertaining to notes within the octave beneath the note corresponding to the detected pulse, and combining the pulses on a data stream which is demultiplexed for actuating keyers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 1976
    Date of Patent: September 12, 1978
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: John William Robinson, Thomas C. Crosby, Stephen Louis Howell
  • Patent number: 4108037
    Abstract: An electronic organ having solo, accompaniment, and pedal keyboards, or manuals, and adjustable into different modes of playing for at least the accompaniment keyboard.In a first playing mode, the accompaniment keyboard plays in a conventional manner with each key of the keyboard which is depressed actuating a respective keyer.In a second selectable playing mode, the keys of the accompaniment keyboard are disabled for actuating keyers in a conventional manner and, instead, a selected group of the keys, referred to as "chord playing" keys, are made effective for playing chords by having each of the chord playing keys actuate a respective group of keyers while the key is depressed.In a third playing mode, the keys of the accompaniment manual are disabled for actuating respective keyers and, instead, the same group of "chord playing" keys referred to above are enabled for actuating the keyers pertaining to respective chords singly, or in groups, sequentially at predetermined time intervals.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 22, 1978
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: John William Robinson, Brian Norris Wilcox
  • Patent number: 4106384
    Abstract: A variable filter circuit, especially for synthesizing and shaping tone signals, in which a variable light source is provided which influences light sensitive resistor elements in the filter circuit. The variable circuit, by the use of selector switches, can provide different musical features, such as muted voices, percussion, brass, woodwind and the like, all of which will enhance, for example, existing organ voicing while it is, furthermore, possible to obtain the effect of playing a solo instrument together with organ voicing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 21, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 15, 1978
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: Billy J. Whittington, John William Robinson, Ralph N. Dietrich
  • Patent number: 4096789
    Abstract: A saw guard, especially for preventing splinters and the like for being thrown out from a saw, in which a flexible, strong, wear resistant material, such as belting, is cut into strips and the strips are connected to a housing which covers the saw from above so that a row of strips in side by side relation are in front of the saw while a row of strips arranged in parallel spaced aligned relation extend along at least one side of the saw. The strips along the side of the saw and being spaced apart permit free circulation of air through the sawing region to remove sawdust and the like therefrom but are effective in stopping splinters and the like from being thrown off from the saw because the arrangement of the strips are in parallel spaced relation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 6, 1977
    Date of Patent: June 27, 1978
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventor: James Edward Blessinger
  • Patent number: 4089245
    Abstract: An electronic rhythm "break" pattern generator for use with a rhythm generator of the type used with electronic organs. The break pattern generator, when operative, interrupts the flow of the normal rhythm pattern and substitutes a special rhythm pattern for one cycle of the normal rhythm pattern. The typical pattern is of a type usually played by experienced musicians at the beginning, or end, of a musical composition and form "lead-in" and "lead-out" rhythm pattern portions. The system according to the present invention can also provide for an alternate rhythm pattern at any time not limited to the beginning or end of a composition.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 12, 1976
    Date of Patent: May 16, 1978
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventor: Ralph Nowack Dietrich
  • Patent number: 4073209
    Abstract: A method and circuitry for frequency generation, especially for electronic organs, in which a digital signal is developed by the actuation of an element such as a key of an organ keyboard. The digital signal is converted to a respective voltage signal and the voltage signal is employed to control a voltage controlled oscillator which supplies a signal corresponding in frequency to the actuation of the aforesaid element. An organ provided with a system for frequency generation according to the present invention can be operated monophonically or polyphonically and is capable of producing desirable effects, including celeste and portamento effects.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 9, 1976
    Date of Patent: February 14, 1978
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: Billy J. Whittington, Alan B. Welsh, Timothy L. Burns
  • Patent number: 4063484
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for generating tone signals for a musical instrument, especially an electronic organ, in which a stable high frequency source which is equal in frequency to that of a reference pitch multiplied by a large whole number is divided down by a number differing a predetermined amount from the large whole number, and the thus divided down frequency is supplied to a phase lock loop which, in turn, supplies a synthesizer which will develop a range of pitches over a musical scale. By further dividing down the synthesized pitches, octavely related pitches can be obtained for the supply of pitches in conformity with the number of playing keys in the instrument and the number of ranks of pitches desired. The thus generated pitches differ slightly from the reference pitches by being either somewhat sharp or somewhat flat and when combined with the reference pitches produce desired effects.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 20, 1975
    Date of Patent: December 20, 1977
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventor: John William Robinson
  • Patent number: 4020728
    Abstract: An electronic organ having an automatic pedal keying circuit in which a selected pattern of pedal voice notes is played in response to depression of only a single key, which may be a pedal key. When the automatic circuit is effective, normal pedal voice keying operations are disabled, and pedal voices will be keyed in a selected pattern occurring in a timed sequence. The organ is selectively adjustable between a normal playing mode and the playing mode according to the present invention.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 24, 1975
    Date of Patent: May 3, 1977
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: John William Robinson, Patrick King Doane
  • Patent number: 3992969
    Abstract: An electronic organ having voice selector means and a memory arrangement connected to the voice selector means which can be preset and which is under the control of preset switches. Each preset switch, when actuated, makes a respective preselected group of one or more voices effective while making the others of the voices ineffective. The preselected voices in any group can be varied at the will of the player.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 18, 1975
    Date of Patent: November 23, 1976
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: John William Robinson, Billy Joe Whittington
  • Patent number: 3992973
    Abstract: A pulse generator especially for an electronic musical instrument in which a "D" type flip-flop is employed with the logic level at the data input thereof being transferred to the output in conformity with the supply to the clock input of a fixed frequency rectangular wave and the supply to the clear input of a rectangular wave having a frequency which is a whole multiple of the fixed frequency. The output at the output terminal of the flip-flop is a pulse having a duty cycle of predetermined length. The pulses at the output terminal are, of course, repetitive and remain at the same duty cycle without variation. By using a plurality of the flip-flops, each having respective inputs to the clock and clear terminals, a desired range of pitches can be generated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 18, 1974
    Date of Patent: November 23, 1976
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventor: Stephen L. Howell
  • Patent number: 3990340
    Abstract: A valve device, especially for pneumatically operated pianos and organs, in which the valve device is interposed between a source of suction and pneumatic actuators for the keys of the instrument and under the control of a perforated paper strip. The valve of the present invention is particularly characterized in being readily disassembled for adjustment and service and replacement of parts if necessary.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 4, 1975
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1976
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: Richard R. Mills, Richard Hebeisen
  • Patent number: 3990339
    Abstract: An electric organ with logic circuitry incorporated therein which will automatically cause "fill notes" to sound in the solo part of a composition being played with the fill notes being harmonically consistant with the notes being played in the solo part of the composition and with the chords played in the accompaniment part of the composition.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 23, 1974
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1976
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: John William Robinson, Stephen L. Howell
  • Patent number: 3986543
    Abstract: A rotary cutter knife in which a body is provided which is made up of coaxial discs in adjacent relation. Each disc has cutting edge portions distributed about the periphery thereof and in one relatively rotated position of the discs the cutting edge portions align in the axial direction thereby positioning the cutting edge portions for easy sharpening. In another rotated position of the discs, the cutting edge portions are staggered and the cutting load on the cutter knife is thereby distributed circumferentially during working operations of the cutter knife. Cooperating elements of keying means are provided for keying the discs in the two relatively rotated positions thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 21, 1975
    Date of Patent: October 19, 1976
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: J. Richard Slayton, Paul Douglas Nalley
  • Saw
    Patent number: 3973455
    Abstract: A saw, especially for sawing wood, in which a support disc is provided with peripheral recesses with cutting teeth formed on the forwardly facing rearward sides of the recesses and which teeth may be in the form of hard wear resistant inserts. The cutting teeth are so designed that the kerf taken by the saw as it advances into the saw cut is spaced on both sides from the saw blade and also from the sides of the aforementioned cutting teeth radially inwardly from the tip ends thereof. The teeth are formed to present a positive cutting rake in all directions to the wood and shear the wood fibers off cleanly at the radially outer tip ends of the cutting teeth.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 10, 1975
    Date of Patent: August 10, 1976
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: Mathew A. Slaats, J. Richard Slayton
  • Patent number: 3970732
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for molding plastic materials, particularly foamed plastic materials, in which the materials are introduced into a mold cavity together with a foaming agent with the mold cavity being evacuated not later than immediately after the molding material is supplied thereto. The reduced pressure in the mold cavity causes the material to foam extremely quickly so as completely to fill the cavity while, at the same time, the mold is held closed by the pressure differential between the inside and outside thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 26, 1973
    Date of Patent: July 20, 1976
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: Mathew A. Slaats, David E. Overton
  • Patent number: 3957239
    Abstract: A joint construction, especially for furniture or the like, in which members such as rail members, or the like, which extend at angles to each other, are joined together by a plastic block formed in situ on at least a pair of the members. The block may form a joint where a furniture leg is located. The plastic block, when it is to be connected to a leg may be formed directly on the leg or it may be formed with a recess therein engageable with an end part on the leg.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 1, 1973
    Date of Patent: May 18, 1976
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventors: Mathew A. Slaats, J. Richard Slayton
  • Patent number: 3951028
    Abstract: An electronic organ, and a method of operation in which the keyboard is scanned and a series of signals is established in conformity with the pattern of keys that are depressed. The signal pattern is stored in a plurality of shifted positions and the composite pattern is then employed for actuating keyers to key signal tones of respective pitch. In this manner, a plurality of organ footages can be obtained in a simple and effective manner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 23, 1974
    Date of Patent: April 20, 1976
    Assignee: Kimball International, Inc.
    Inventor: John William Robinson