Patents Assigned to KinnecTed AI inc.
  • Patent number: 11962432
    Abstract: To effectively operate in an increasingly prolific Internet of Things environment one best has the ability to message, whether messaging device status, actions taken, recommendations for actions or other information to those with a need to know or containing instructions for device execution. Traditional messaging of various types such as texting and e-mail typically are limited in that they can neither provide automatic audio output at the recipient nor can they may be automatically relayed or contain execution instructions for target devices. The present invention is an Appliance that communicates with other IoT devices such as sensors and actuators and regional or central servers using Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) or Normal Power Wide Area Network (NPWAN) protocols that provides Extended-Capability Messaging provides these capabilities that can include artificial intelligence and optionally configured in a secure version.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 22, 2023
    Date of Patent: April 16, 2024
    Assignee: KinnecTed AI inc.
    Inventor: David J. Mishelevich