Abstract: A pet grooming device forms a chamber with a base, two end panels connected to and extending upwardly from the base, and a rear wall. A front wall is hinged at a bottom edge and can be pivoted into a position where the front wall is opposite the rear wall forming an enclosure open only at the top. The front wall can be lowered to form a grooming and drying area bounded by the base, rear wall, and end panels and which is open along a front side. Two tethers each include a strap with an adjustable length. The straps are connected to a chamber end panel at one end, and have a hook at an opposite end. The tether hooks are connectable to opposite ends of a pet to limit movement of the pet within the chamber.
Abstract: A multi-washer function box defines an interior space for accommodating a pet. A drying hood with an air blowing unit is attached to the box for drying of a pet. The pet is prevented from coming into contact with the air blowing unit by a mesh that covers and air blowing unit. The user can control the delivery of air by opening one side of the washing chamber, or by positioning the drying hood in various partially open positions. An accessory table is attached to the box with hinges, and can be used for grooming Stretchable water-proof cords are attached to the box for holding a pet A water-proof accessory kit protects the air-blowing unit from contact with water during washing.