Abstract: A fitting for conducting fluid into or out of a pliant bag has inner and outer blocks releasably fastened together in immediate contact with the bag wall between them and with a perforate portion of the bag wall between them. Communicating flow passages in both blocks respectively are open into the bag through the perforate portion and to the fluid pressure or evacuating device.
Abstract: A thimble-shaped button actuator largely formed of insulating material has a cup-like base with an inside step and is symmetrical about an axis. A thimble is reciprocable in the base along the axis. A spring is seated against the closed end of the base and the closed end of the thimble and urges the thimble in a direction away from the base and against a snap ring in the base in the path of a flange on the thimble. An electrically conducting ring on the thimble is moved by axial pressure on the thimble to abut a pair of electrical conductors seated in the base and overlying the step. Electrically conducting binding screws are recessed in and pass into the base to engage threads in the conductors.