Abstract: A display framing system that may be used in mobile applications, such as on tractor trailers or buses, is disclosed. The display framing system may be illuminated, and the light reflected onto a sign inserted in the framing system.
Abstract: A display framing method includes assembling a backing panel, a two-dimensional light emitting device, one or more spacers and a protective panel, to form a display frame. The backing panel supports the light emitting device; the spacers define a space between the light emitting device and the protective panel. The method also includes sealing all but one unsealed edge adjoining the space, allowing access to the space. A display framing system includes a backing panel that supports a two-dimensional light emitting device, a protective panel, and one or more spacers that define a space between the light emitting device and the protective panel. The light emitting device, the backing panel, and the protective panel align to form a plurality of edges. All but one of the edges are sealed with one or more sealants such that advertising material may be inserted into the space through the unsealed edge.