Abstract: This system provides for odor control by using a rack opacity filtering system (ROFS). This is a system that collects opacity at the point of origin and transfers it to the filter unit. The filter unit then removes the opacity from the air and the clean air is then vented to the atmosphere. The opacity is a result of loading additized asphalt product at elevated temperatures and controlling how much opacity is allowed to be released. ROFS provides a means to virtually eliminate opacity.
Abstract: This invention focuses on the specialized catalyst and/or additive for lower FCCU gasoline and diesel blendstock component sulfur content. This invention utilizes a specified ratio of the transition metal oxides of cobalt and molybdenum to accomplish gasoline and diesel blendstock sulfur reduction. This is accomplished by minimizing sulfur compound formation in the FCCU riser. The cobalt and molybdenum oxides in the presence of H2S from cracked organic sulfur compounds are converted to metal sulfides. A portion of the overall sulfur reduction in the gasoline and diesel blendstock occurs emitted NOx also is reduced.
May 3, 2007
Date of Patent:
July 27, 2010
Marathon Petroleum Company LLC
William Jay Turner, Ronald Lee Cordle, David J. Zalewski, Jeffrey A. Sexton
Scott A. Smith, Greg B. Amburgy, Frederick R. Bradshaw, Roy L. Chamberlain, Jeffrey A. Davidson, Robert A. Fortman, Harson M. Whitman, James R. O'Neil, Franklin Pleasants