Patents Assigned to Marion L. Eakes Company
  • Patent number: 4108051
    Abstract: Contaminated exhaust gases being generated at a work table or work station having one or more open sides adjacent the area above the work table, and normally tending to rise into the atmosphere surrounding the work station, are collected in an exhaust hood which includes an inlet extending parallel to and generally above each of the open sides. A first portion of such exhaust gases collected are passed on to be filtered in conventional pollution abatement equipment; however, a second portion of the contaminated exhaust gases are rerouted and introduced through an air nozzle directed at the aforementioned inlet to the exhaust hood to improve the exhaust gas collecting, as well as reducing the requisite capacity of the filtration equipment and reducing the intake of make up air from the room surrounding the work table.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 9, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 22, 1978
    Assignee: Marion L. Eakes Company
    Inventor: Marion L. Eakes