Abstract: The present invention provides a portable collapsible ladder that is easily secured onto a vehicle or structure mounted on a vehicle, such as a roof-top rack, to provide ease of access to the upper portion of the vehicle. The ladder of the present invention includes a flexible body portion that is easily folded.Upper strap assemblies extend from opposing sides of the upper portion of the flexible body portion. Angularly shaped hook members are secured to each of the strap assemblies. A lower strap assembly extends from the lower portion of the flexible body portion. An elastic strap joins the lower strap assembly to a lower hook member.In use, the flexible body portion is unfolded so the upper strap assemblies are extended. The upper hook members are secured on the vehicle or structure on the vehicle. The lower hook member is then secured over the seam of the lower vehicle body. Protective bumpers on the outer side of the flexible body portion protect the vehicle from damage from the ladder.