Abstract: The invention discloses a process for re-transmitting single frequency signals and a single frequency signal repeater, where coupling occurs between the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna, and where the process is of the type used in a single frequency signal repeater and comprises the steps of: [a] receiving a first radio frequency signal having a particular receiving power, [b] optionally converting said first radio frequency signal into a process signal, [c] filtering, amplification and automatically controlling the gain of said signal, [d] canceling said coupling between said transmitting antenna and said receiving antenna, [e] reconverting, as the case may be, said process signal into a second radio frequency signal, [f] amplifying the power of said second radio frequency signal, [g] output filtering, and [g] transmission.
February 8, 2001
Date of Patent:
May 9, 2006
Mier Comunicaciones, S.A.
Xavier Barba Miquel, Domènec Iborra Archs, Pedro Mier Albert, Maria Meritxell Lamarca Orozco, Montserrat Nájar Marton, Ana Isabel Pérez Neira, Gregori Vázquez Grau