Abstract: A conjugated linoleic acid is prepared in industrial scale as a hydrolyzed isomerized product for blending into bulk domestic animal feeds. The CLA-containing isomerized hydrolyzed oil from sunflower and safflower seeds has sufficiently low levels of phosphatides and sterols to permit crude processing and incorporation into feeds of an undried, undistilled oil fraction without toxic or unpalatable effects.
Abstract: A conjugated linoleic acid is prepared in industrial scale as a hydrolyzed isomerized product for blending into bulk domestic animal feeds. The CLA-containing isomerized hydrolyzed oil from sunflower and safflower seeds has sufficiently low levels of phosphatides and sterols to permit crude processing and incorporation into feeds of an undried, undistilled oil fraction without toxic or unpalatable effects.
Abstract: The present invention discloses method for reducing body weight and treating obesity. The method comprises administering a nutritionally effective amount of conjugated linoleic acid to a human. The conjugated linoleic acid may be provided in the form of a free fatty acid in a pill, or as a component of a prepared food product.
Abstract: New cosmetic formulations containing free and derivatized forms of conjugated linoleic acid. These ingredients have beneficial effects related to their medicinal and nutritional properties, but also are engineered for their compatibility with standard cosmetic ingredients. Certain vitamin/conjugated linoleic acid combinational molecules are described which deliver equimolar amounts of both free components to viable layers of the epidermis, thereby obtaining multiple functionality of the final product.