Patents Assigned to New England Institute, Inc.
  • Patent number: 4525350
    Abstract: Method of controlling the host defense system in a body by internally administering coenzymes Q or carotenoids, and structurally related compounds at appropriate dosage schedules.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 13, 1978
    Date of Patent: June 25, 1985
    Assignee: The New England Institute, Inc.
    Inventors: Adria C. Casey, Alan D. Adler, Eugene T. Premuzic
  • Patent number: 4156718
    Abstract: The invention relates to a method of controlling and/or reversing the immunological senescence in animals and humans by administering thereto coenzymes Q.sub.4 to at least Q.sub.13 and particularly coenzyme Q.sub.10.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 12, 1977
    Date of Patent: May 29, 1979
    Assignee: The New England Institute, Inc.
    Inventor: Emile G. Bliznakov
  • Patent number: 3935031
    Abstract: The photovoltage and photocurrent, and therefore, the power output of photovoltaic cells (solar cells) are markedly enhanced by depositing, on an exposed semiconductor surface of a solar cell, a layer of any one of a very large number of prophyrinic compounds.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 7, 1973
    Date of Patent: January 27, 1976
    Assignee: New England Institute, Inc.
    Inventor: Alan D. Adler