Abstract: The invention concerns a safety syringe in which the needle may be held within a sheath both before and particulary after use without handling.
November 3, 1998
Date of Patent:
October 17, 2000
Nordway Limited
Hendrikus J Van Der Meyden, Alexis A Wadman
Abstract: A vial comprises a tubular syringe barrel (1) closed at one end (2) and open at the other, a stopper in the open barrel end formed by a piston head (4) of a syringe, and valve means (10) in the barrel between the stopper and the closed barrel end. The valve means (1) is normally closed and actuatable to an open condition by movement of the stopper into the barrel, and is slidable with the piston head (4) to the closed barrel end (2).
November 3, 1998
Date of Patent:
June 27, 2000
Nordway Limited
Hendrikus J Van Der Meyden, Alexis A. F. Wadman
Abstract: A system for transporting, storing and retrieving goods (11) in a warehouse (10) is disclosed. A vehicle (16) moves the goods (11) upon a track system (18) into a storage area (22). The storage area (22) has a plurality of lanes (24) and tiers (33), (35), and the vehicle (16) is moved to the appropriate lane (24) utilizing a lift and transfer unit (28). The lift and transfer unit (28) docks with the appropriate lane (24) utilizing shafts (94), (96) which engage with receiving ends (100), (102) on the lane (24). A safety stop (108) is also provided to insure that complete docking has occurred before transfer of the vehicle (16) from the lift and transfer unit (28) to the storage racks (22) or vice versa.
Abstract: An accumulating conveyor system and method for accumulating articles are disclosed. The first embodiment of the conveyor system (10) includes a primary conveyor belt (11) which moves within a transport channel (30) having horizontal rest rails (31). The primary conveyor belt (11) is preferably displaced in the vertical direction by means of an underlying accumulating conveyor belt (23) which includes a plurality of low plates (38) and high plates (39). When the primary conveyor belt (11) is positioned over the high plates (39), the articles (22) are transported in a plane above the rest rails (31), but when the primary conveyor belt (11) is supported upon the low plates (38), the articles (22) are supported by the rest rails (31) without the primary conveyor belt (11) rubbing against the bottoms of the articles (22). The second embodiment of the conveyor system (102) includes carrying rollers (83) which are engageable with a drive belt (84) by means of tension rollers (82).