Abstract: A method of generating a plurality of forms that are related with one another, and more particularly a man-machine interface at a stage of generating forms, is able to define or correct form-relation definitions at a stage of inputting data in the forms from a standpoint of using the forms. The method is further able to realize definition and correction among forms merely by designating corresponding areas on a screen of a display device.
October 22, 1991
Date of Patent:
March 29, 1994
Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi Nuclear Engineering Co., Inc.
Hidehiro Oomae, Hidenari Makino, Atsushi Tanaka, Hideo Sato
Abstract: A shipping container overpack for safe transportation of radioactive and other hazardous materials provides a leakproof receptacle for containing and protecting the material to be shipped against accidental release and dispersal into the surrounding environment. The receptacle is of conventional size and shape for shipping containers and has spaced inner and outer shells with a layer of foamed polyurethane occupying the space therebetween to provide sealing, insulation and reinforcement. The polyurethane foam is rigidly compressible and adheres to and reinforces the spaced inner and outer shells to provide a stress skin structure. Gusset plates are secured to the inner surface of the outer shell in covering relation to the corners and edges, defining a reinforcing framework of triangular cross-section tubular elements. Relatively rigid polyurethane foam is containd within the tubular elements to add further reinforcement and redundant sealing capacity.
Abstract: A system for disposing of radioactive waste material from nuclear reactors by solidifying the liquid components to produce an encapsulated mass adapted for disposal by burial. The method contemplates mixing of radioactive waste materials, with or without contained solids, with a setting agent capable of solidifying the waste liquids into a free standing hardened mass, placing the resulting liquid mixture in a container with a proportionate amount of a curing agent to effect solidification under controlled conditions, and thereafter burying the container and contained solidified mixture. The setting agent is a water-extendable polymer consisting of a suspension of partially polymerized particles of urea formaldehyde in water, and the curing agent is sodium bisulfate.
Abstract: A repository for holding and storing fissile or other hazardous materials either under or above the ground is provided by enclosing one or more inner containers, such as standard steel drums, in a larger, corrosion-resistant outer shell, with a layer of foamed polyurethane occupying the space therebetween. The polyurethane foam is free of voids at its interfaces with the inner container and outer shell, and adheres to and reinforces same to provide a stress skin structure. Protection is afforded by the chemical and physical characteristics of the polyurethane foam against destructive influences such as water vapor intrusion, package leakage and damaging effects of the environment, such as freezing, electrolysis, chemical and bacterial action. The outer shell is shaped to conform generally to the shape of the inner container and is made of a tube of bituminized fibre material with endcaps of exterior grade plywood treated with wood preservative.