Abstract: The invention pertains to a containment system for a nuclear power plant which provides protection in the event of a loss of coolant accident or other malfunctions wherein the stored energy within the components of the system is contained and absorbed by the use of a plurality of coolant reservoirs capable of absorbing steam and supplying coolant to the reactor coolant system and feedwater to the secondary systems. The system includes a plurality of steam generators which may selectively be employed as an energy source during cooldown, and the design of the reservoirs provides high initial energy absorption as well as extended energy dissipation during cooldown.
Abstract: A containment system that provides complete protection entirely by passive means for the loss of coolant accident in a nuclear power plant and wherein all stored energy released in the coolant blowdown is contained and absorbed while the nuclear fuel is prevented from over-heating by a high containment back-pressure and a reactor vessel refill system. The primary containment vessel is restored to a high sub-atmospheric pressure within a few minutes after accident initiation and the decay heat is safely transferred to the environment while radiolytic hydrogen is contained by passive means.
Abstract: A containment system that provides complete protection entirely by passive means for the loss of coolant accident in a nuclear power plant and wherein all stored energy released in the coolant blowdown is contained and absorbed while the nuclear fuel is continuously maintained submerged in liquid. The primary containment vessel is restored to a high subatmospheric pressure within a few minutes after accident initiation and the decay heat is safely transferred to the environment while radiolytic hydrogen is contained by passive means.