Patents Assigned to "Oktober 6" Mezogazdasagi Termeloszovetkezet
  • Patent number: 4555858
    Abstract: A hot drying agent discharged from the section for material transport of the bound moisture, having a low moisture content, is recirculated to the front part of the drying area; the moisture content of both of the fed and discharged material is measured and by means of the differential-analogue signal thus obtained the stream of the material to be dried and in a given case the heating of the drying agent is controlled. An apparatus for performing the drying operation is also provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 14, 1983
    Date of Patent: December 3, 1985
    Assignee: "Oktober 6" Mezogazdasagi Termeloszovetkezet
    Inventors: Bela Hegedus, Sandor Balint, Janos Hudak, Gyorgy Barta, Jozsef Aszlanyi