Abstract: A new Asiatic hybrid lily variety of the chalice type particularly distinguished by its very large flowers having a bright Indian orange coloration, in general, borne in raceme arrangement at the upper portion of a strong, upright stem having an average height of about 120 to 140 cm. and abundant foliage; each plant blooming once anually and profusely at mid-season, each flower being borne on a strong, upright pedicel having a length of about 5.5 to 10 cm., in average, spaced axially along the main stem and the buds opening successively as they approach the top of the main stem.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of Asiatic hybrid lily variety of the chalice type particularly distinguished by its profuse production of very large flowers having a yellow orange coloration in a raceme orientation at the upper end of a tall, erect and stately stem having a height of about 120 cm., this plant blooming annually and profusely during mid-season, the plant having a vigorous and very strong growth habit with abundant foliage.
Abstract: A new variety of Asiatic hybrid lily plant of the chalice type particularly distinguished by its profuse production of medium size flowers having tepals of a generally orange buff color each bearing a ruby red brush mark extending from the top of the nectary for about 2 to 3 cm. towards the tepal center, the flowers being borne individually on generally upright pedicels carried in a more or less umbel arrangement adjacent the upper end of a strong, erect stem having a length of 110 to 120 cm., the flowers blooming annually and profusely during mid-season and having abundant foliage.
Abstract: A new variety of asiatic lily having very large flowers particularly distinguished by the overall red purple coloring of its tepals which extend to the tepal margins the edges of which are white. This new variety is further distinguished by its profuse production, once annually in mid-season, of flowers which are carried on strong upright stems in a raceme cluster at a height of about 100 cm. above the base of the plant.
Abstract: A new variety of Asiatic lily hybrid of the chalice type particularly distinguished by its particular mimosa yellow and canary yellow coloration of a flower of medium size produced profusely on a relatively short stem and having abundant foliage for pot plant culture. This plant flowers annually in mid-season and has a vigorous and upright growth habit with a capability of being forced for year round crop production.