Abstract: A water-treatment installation, notably with a view to making water potable, includes a reactor demarcating at least one treatment chamber, the reactor comprising a conveying assembly to convey the water to be treated into the chamber; a removing assembly for removing the floated pollutants and a removing assembly for removing the decanted pollutants; a plurality of filtration membranes laid out within the chamber and submerged in the water to be treated; a demarcating assembly for demarcating a filtration zone around each of the membranes; carrying and circulating member guiding a current of water to be treated in the filtration zone along a preferred direction, the carrying and circulating member including ozone-injection assembly; and a recovering assembly recovering the permeate at an outlet of the filtration membranes.
November 30, 1994
Date of Patent:
March 4, 1997
OTV Omnium De Trajtements et de Valorisation S.A.
Pierre Cote, Michel Faivre, Catherine Moulin, Gilbert Desbos