Abstract: A vapor transfer griddle unit with a planar sheet metal heat conductive top member defining a horizontally extensive griddle, a bottom wall sealed to the top member and defining therewith a corresponding vapor chamber disposed below the griddle, a body of vaporizable heat transfer medium in liquid state partially filling the chamber with a vapor space between the surface of the liquid and the griddle at rest as well as over the range of griddling temperatures, a horizontally extensive electric heating array comprised of horizontally spaced electric heater tube portions extending directly beneath and spaced below the griddle and located above the bottom wall, and a set of griddle supports mutually arrayed with the heater tube portions and extending between and engaging the griddle and the bottom wall to provide a pattern of support across the underside of the griddle to maintain the griddle flat over its range of operation, the supports having openings permitting free self-leveling flow of liquid as well as fr
February 1, 1979
Date of Patent:
January 13, 1981
Peters & Company, Inc.
Gilbert A. Cummings, Richard W. Hatch, Jr.
Abstract: Self-leveling dispenser of the type having an elongated lever which serves to balance the spring and platform, with a member being adjustable along the lever for altering the ratio of effective moment arms to change the effective spring rating of the dispenser. An adjustment feature comprises felxible strands connected to opposite sides of the adjustable member. By means of a pulley surface, both strands leave the lever at the pivot point and proceed to a take-up pay-out device, shown as a dentent-controlled reel. For avoiding working against the spring during adjustment the lever concavely curves about the line of action of a tension spring acting upon the lever. In combination of these features the strands are guided by longitudinally convex surfaces of the curved member. The platform and spring loads are shown to act in one diagonal direction of a rectangular frame with the frame braced by a tension member extending in the opposite diagonal direction.