Abstract: A portable bullet-proof shield for use by law enforcement agents, is horizontally curved and of sufficient height and width to protect substantially the body of the user when the shield is being carried or is resting in a free-standing mode. The shield includes a viewing lens assembly near its top, an adjustable shoulder suspension strap, a horizontal hand grip bar, and elastic horizontal stand-off straps on its interior side to protect the body against "blunt trauma". The shield has a frontal skin formed of aluminum or high-impact plastics behind which is disposed a penetration-resistant wall consisting of multiple layers of woven synthetic fabric which may be laminated or non-laminated. A single layer of waterproof synthetic fabric or rear skin formed of high-impact plastics defines the interior face of the shield. The shield possesses a frame consisting of top, intermediate and bottom horizontal bows which are riveted to the shield primarily at opposite side rearwardly projecting portions of the shield.
October 16, 1985
Date of Patent:
June 23, 1987
Pro-Tech Armored Products of New York, Inc.