Abstract: A tolley for supporting a wheel of a vehicle so that the vehicle may be driven or moved without the wheel touching the ground. The trolley has a hinged frame equipped with three or more wheels, a drive-on part which tilts upward when a wheel is driven onto the trolley and which then supports the wheel from behind, and a front support member. The front support member may be locked in place after the wheel has come to rest on the trolley. The trolley may be folded for storage.
Abstract: The present invention relates to a trolley for supporting a tire of a vehicle so that the latter can be moved without the tire touching the ground. More specifically, the apparatus of the present invention comprises a foldable frame equipped with at least one front wheel and two rear wheels, self adjusting and locking front and rear support members haivng a plurality of parallel rows of rollers, the outermost rollers being bevelled to help center the vehicle tire on the tolley and to minimize the tendency of the vehicle tire to roll out of the trolley. The rear support member serves as a drive-on ramp for the vehicle tire, rotating about its axle under the pressure exerted by the tire being driven thereupon as the tire reaches a certain distance from the beginning of the part. When in a tilted position, the rear support member and the front support member automatically lock into position and support said vehicle tire.