Abstract: A data handling system for converting an analog signal into binary form for storage or transmission to a remote receiver and subsequent reconstruction back into a facsimile of the original analog signal. The encoder portion of the system, which is a synthetic equivalent of an adaptive inverse filter, includes a signal comparator, an adaptive function generator and a binary pulse generating means. The signal comparator provides a signal responsive to the difference between the input analog signal and the output of the function generator, and the pulse generating means converts the difference signal into the encoded binary form for storage or transmission to a receiver. The decoder portion of the system includes an adaptive RC filter means which is controlled by the encoded data so as to reconstruct the original analog signal.
Abstract: A data handling system for converting an analog signal into binary form for storage or transmission to a remote receiver and subsequent reconstruction back into a facsimile of the original analog signal. The encoder portion of the system, which is a synthetic equivalent of an adaptive inverse filter, includes a signal comparator, an adaptive function generator and a binary pulse generating means. The signal comparator provides a signal responsive to the difference between the input analog signal and the output of the function generator, and the pulse generating means converts the difference signal into the encoded binary form for storage or transmission to a receiver. The decoder portion of the system includes an adaptive RC filter means which is controlled by the encoded data so as to reconstruct the original analog signal.
Abstract: A compensation circuit for use in a document reproduction system for correcting variations in white level occurring between different documents and due to nonuniformity of the scanning process including a variable voltage gain amplifier for compensatingly modifying the output of an image scanner and having a gain control system which drives the white level amplifier gain to a predetermined level so that the scanner output is made independent of certain well known causes of nonuniformity.