Abstract: An adhesive material providing permeation-resistant characteristics, wherein the material comprises a surface having a plurality of microstructures interspersed with at least one ridge. The ridge is adapted to make continuous contact with a mating surface. In one embodiment, the ridge is linear. In an alternative embodiment, the ridge has a square pattern forming a mesh on the surface.
February 28, 2022
Publication date:
June 27, 2024
Setex Technologies, Inc.
Paul Samuel Glass, Aimee L. DeLuca, Burak Aksak
Abstract: A microfiber array comprising a plurality of fibers with roughened tips, where the microfiber array is adapted to provide enhanced grip to the surface of a semiconductor device and other smooth, flat objects. The microfiber array provides friction against movement in the horizontal direction, while providing controllable adhesion to allow for easy separation in the vertical direction.
Abstract: A dry adhesive microfiber array comprising a plurality of fibers with enlarged tips, where the dry adhesive is capable of adhering to a surface of a silicon wafer and/or carrier. The dry adhesive can be debonded without the use of chemicals or heat and does not leave a residue on the surface of the wafer. In addition, a liquid can be introduced to the interface between the dry adhesive and semiconductor device to adjust the force of adhesion.
July 8, 2021
Publication date:
August 17, 2023
Setex Technologies, Inc.
Paul Samuel Glass, Shree Deshpande, Justin Bohn, Elliot Geikowsky
Abstract: This invention identifies important geometric parameters of an adhesive microfiber with mushroom-shaped tip for improving and optimizing adhesive ability. The magnitude of pull-off stress is dependent on a wedge angle ? and the ratio of the tip radius to the stalk radius ? of the mushroom-shaped fiber. Pull-off stress is also found to depend on a dimensionless parameter x, the ratio of the fiber radius to a length-scale related to the dominance of adhesive stress. Finally, the shape of edge tip, where the surface and sides of the mushroom-shaped tip join, is a factor that impacts strength of adhesion. Optimizing ranges for these parameters are identified.