Patents Assigned to Societe Nationale Industrielle et
  • Patent number: 4458861
    Abstract: The invention relates to a suspension device for the main transmission box of a helicopter, comprising two flexible bars which are fixed centrally at the bottom of the transmission box and are supported by articulated joints at strong points of the fuselage and which carry swinging weights at their ends. An articulated rod connects the bottom of the transmission box and the fuselage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 1, 1982
    Date of Patent: July 10, 1984
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventor: Rene L. Mouille
  • Patent number: 4459579
    Abstract: Process for detecting the under-inflation of a tire of the landing gear of an aircraft in the course of taxiing, said landing gear being formed by at least one bogie comprising a beam provided with a pair of twin wheels at each of its ends provision is made of two bridge assemblies of four strain gauges disposed on each of the parts of the beam located between the median spindle for articulation of said beam to the leg and the corresponding pair of wheels, each bridge being supplied by its diagonal transverse to said beam, while the torsion signal is taken from the diagonal longitudinal with respect to the beam.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 19, 1981
    Date of Patent: July 10, 1984
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventors: Robert David, Louis Signorelli, Alain Geoffroy
  • Patent number: 4458862
    Abstract: The invention relates to aeronautics in general, and in particular to a suspension device for helicopter, comprising a flexible mounting plate at the center of which is fixed the bottom of the main gear box whose top is supported by hinged oblique bars. The mounting plate offers radial arms hinged to the base of the bars and to the fuselage of the helicopter. These arms bear flapping weights creating forces of inertia with reactions at the attachment points of direction opposite the elastic reactions of deformation of the mounting plate. A device of this type enables the vibrations on board helicopters to be reduced.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 1983
    Date of Patent: July 10, 1984
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventors: Rene L. Mouille, Gerard C. L. Genoux, Pierre E. Hege
  • Patent number: 4413796
    Abstract: The invention relates to an airfoil shape for flight at high subsonic speeds, of the type comprising a flat convex upper surface, a thick leading edge and a lower surface convex towards the leading edge and concave towards the trailing, in which airfoil the upper surface comprises a maximum curvature in the vicinity of its rear part, in a zone delimited by points located at distances from the leading edge equal to 65 and 90% of the chord of the airfoil. The invention is applicable to the production of fixed or rotary wings for aircraft, having a high divergence Mach number and a low drag.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 14, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 8, 1983
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventor: Jean Bousquet
  • Patent number: 4386989
    Abstract: A bendable and twistable element having a high level of tensile strength, while remaining flexible and bendable in respect of twisting is produced by individually forming in a mould unitary layers of resin impregnated cut lengths of a continuous member, with their ends located between resin impregnated layers of fabric, polymerizing the resin, locating a plurality of the unitary layers in a further mould with the interposition, between the superposed pairs of layers of fabric, of layers of glue, setting the glue by heating and compression to form rigid end members, injecting a viscous elastomer into the middle portion of the bundle of cut lengths of the several unitary layers and curing the elastomer. The elements have particular use for connecting helicopter rotor blades to a hub member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 23, 1981
    Date of Patent: June 7, 1983
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventor: Jacques A. Aubry
  • Patent number: 4384693
    Abstract: The invention relates to aircraft wings, wherein the fairing element between the leading edge of a wing and the fuselage comprises a streamlining flap movable between a folded position in which it is housed in a recess in the fairing element and forms a part of the leading edge and the part adjacent the lower surface of said fairing element, and an extended position in which it ensures continuity of the leading edge between the fuselage and the high-lift spoiler likewise in extended position. Moreover, there is a communication between the housing of the streamlining flap and the housing of the high-lift spoiler so that, when these two flap elements are in their extended positions, the air penetrating in the housing of the streamlining flap disposed on the lower surface side emerges through the housing of the high-lift spoiler disposed on the upper surface side, with the result that there is an increased upper surface blowing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 7, 1981
    Date of Patent: May 24, 1983
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventors: Bernard Pauly, Danilo Ciprian
  • Patent number: 4346741
    Abstract: A three-dimensional weave is formed having a triple set of rods and yarns. The network of rods is placed about the generatrices of the body of revolution to be made and ordered regularly around the axis of the latter in coaxial layers of revolution and in successive radial bunches. Circumferential yarns and radial yarns are laid in helical courses and woven into said network of rods around the axis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 1979
    Date of Patent: August 31, 1982
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventors: Jean Banos, Jean-Claude Cantagrel, Georges Cahuzac, Jean-Louis Darrieux
  • Patent number: 4345485
    Abstract: A temporary locking device for a rotor of an inertia wheel, sustained, with respect to a stator, by magnetic means and associated with two emergency bearings having a conical bearing surface for each said emergency bearing. A complementary conical bearing surface is provided for each of said conical bearing surfaces, one of the two conical bearing surfaces being able to come into mechanical contact with said complementary bearing surface, and one of said complementary bearing surfaces being rendered axially movable. Thus the rotor can be immobilized against three degrees of freedom, two radially and one axially, after placing said bearing surfaces in mechanical contact, said rotor remaining free to rotate. The device is particularly useful for satellites.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 1980
    Date of Patent: August 24, 1982
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventors: Jean-Luc Livet, Maurice Bretaudeau
  • Patent number: 4289168
    Abstract: The invention is a method for the manufacture of hollow bodies, particularly pipes, from fabric reinforced resin by forming a coil of fabric impregnated with resin, which is dried, preheated, and introduced into a preheated mold. The coil is pressed axially into the mold between a preheated borer defining the interior shape of the pipe, and a sleeve, and the resin impregnated in the fabric is polymerized. The product is useful in the manufacture of nozzles for missiles or the like.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 17, 1979
    Date of Patent: September 15, 1981
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventors: Guy B. E. Lecourt, Claude L. L. Portalier
  • Patent number: 4255084
    Abstract: The invention relates to a device for damping the vibrations of the rotor of a rotary-wing aircraft. This device comprises a flapping weight concentrated near the rotor axis and at least three resiliently deformable elements, such as helical springs. The deformable elements are radially biassed in directions regularly distributed around the rotor axis. The inner ends of the deformable elements directly bear on the flapping weight. Their outer ends directly bear on rigid structure elements, rigidly secured to the rotor hub, so that the biassed deformable elements apply statically balanced centripetal thrusts to the flapping weight.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 5, 1979
    Date of Patent: March 10, 1981
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventors: Rene L. Mouille, Gerard C. L. Genoux, Marc A. Declercq, Jean-Luc M. Leman, Robert J. Suzzi
  • Patent number: 4188666
    Abstract: The energy storage is effected kinetically. The system includes a first feedback loop with a time constant .tau.1 including a regulator connecting the supply busbar to a device for controlling momentum wheels used for the kinetic energy storage and the torque control. A second feedback loop, of time constant .tau.2, transmits velocity data .omega. from the momentum wheels to a processing unit, constituted by a microprocessor, which controls the wheel actuating device. A third feedback loop, of time constant .tau.3, supplies the processing unit with the data regarding the torque required by the satellite piloting device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 22, 1978
    Date of Patent: February 12, 1980
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Industrielle et Aerospatiale
    Inventors: Francis Legrand, Bernard Weisser