Abstract: The present invention relates to a process for reducing the content of gaseous acid pollutants soluble in water and contained in fumes discharged from an incineration plant, in the course of which the said fumes are cooled by means of indirect heat exchange with a cold fluid, thus producing a condensate containing acid pollutants, and in which, after this cooling stage, the said fumes still containing acid pollutants are washed using the condensate as washing liquid.
Abstract: Garbage incinerator fumes containing water vapor and HCl are drawn downwardly over a cooled tube bundle (41) in a vertical heat exchanger (4), whereat the water vapor condenses and the HCl dissolves in the condensate, which then falls into a collection reservoir (43) for siphon removal. The fumes are maintained above their dew-point temperature throughout the process.
Abstract: A method and apparatus for reducing the amount of water-soluble acid pollutants contained in hot smoke or fumes produced by combustion, such as the incineration of household garbage, in the course of which dust is removed from the smoke and the smoke is then cooled before being released into the atmosphere. A heat exchange process involving a cold fluid is used in the cooling phase, in which the smoke is cooled to a temperature below its dew point so that the resulting total or partial condensation of the water vapor contained in the smoke traps acid pollutants.