Abstract: When starting a dual fuel turbine engine on liquid fuel, a flow of air assist into a combined pilot gaseous fuel and air assist tube is supplied. The velocity of the flow of air assist is increased as it is expelled through an outlet of the tube. The flow of air assist is directed into a first end of a pilot injector barrel. Additional air is drawn into the first end of the pilot injector barrel from an enclosure containing both the first end of the pilot injector barrel and the tube outlet. Liquid pilot fuel is supplied at a second end of the pilot injector barrel, and this fuel is atomized by the flow of the air assist and additional air. The atomized pilot liquid fuel may then be combusted.
November 20, 2012
Date of Patent:
December 15, 2015
Solar Turbines Incoporated
Christopher Zdzislaw Twardochleb, Robert Anthony Corr, II