Abstract: An electrode for tissue stimulating applications, such as pain control, includes a conductive flexible pad such as polymer gel, or karaya gum, interfacing with the patient. A backing layer is composed of conductive silicone rubber, has a multiplicity of perforations therethrough, and defines an integral protuberance for connection with external apparatus.
Abstract: An electrode for tissue stimulating applications, such as pain control, includes a conductive flexible pad such as polymer gel, or karaya gum, interfacing with the patient. A backing layer is composed of conductive silicone rubber, has a multiplicity of perforations therethrough, and defines an integral protuberance for connection with external apparatus.
Abstract: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is applied to the patient, as though electrocardiograph monitoring is not being practiced. The EKG signals are preprocessed through a selective sample and hold module, which performs amplification, comparison with selective frequency and amplitude standards (as by differentiation) and temporary holding of EKG signals at such time as the transcutaneous nerve stimulating pulses are occurring, as sensed against the frequency and amplitude criteria. In the absence of transcutaneous stimulation signals, EKG signals are coupled directly through for conventional EKG processing.
July 9, 1980
Date of Patent:
May 25, 1982
Stimtech, Inc.
John W. Keller, Jr., William E. Bursack, Alan Coombes
Abstract: The patient is prepared for surgery in conventional fashion, but further including the administration of sterile transcutaneous electrodes proximal to the enervation loci of the prospective incision. Electrical stimulation is commenced, an anesthetic agent is administered, and the electrical stimulation is readjusted to the highest levels attainable short of tetany. The surgery proceeds with substantially reduced maintenance quantities of anesthetic.
Abstract: A disposable electrode includes a fabric backing and a conductive mesh layer laminated thereto. A conductive polymer adhesive interfaces the conductive mesh with the skin of the patient. In order to promote uniform current density, connection to external apparatus occurs by means of a stranded wire which penetrates the mesh from the top and extends laterally in opposite directions along the electrode, intermediate the mesh and the adhesive.
Abstract: In a transcutaneous nerve stimulating apparatus, the stimulating pulse wave form is shaped and manipulated to accommodate specific physiological parameters, and to allow multiple non-interfering electrode administrations. The stimulating pulse wave form, of desired pulse rate, pulse duration, and pulse amplitude, optionally includes successive pulses of alternating plurality, which may all be coupled to a single electrode, alternately coupled to plural electrodes, or the like. Pulse decay is controlled, as is pulse rise time. Voltage regulation is provided to the pulse generation apparatus.
Abstract: A first oscillator dictates the pulse duration and frequency of stimulating signals; the oscillator output wave form is coupled to an output amplifier stage, and thence to the patient. A scanning oscillator provides a substantially linear ramp voltage, which in turn controls pulse duration, pulse frequency, and pulse intensity modulators. In turn, these modulators appropriately establish conditions within the first oscillator and the output stage whereby the output parameters are scanned through respective predetermined ranges, thereby periodically achieving optimum stimulating conditions.