Abstract: A new and distinct peach tree variety, Prunus persica, cv. ‘Supechtwentythree’ is characterized by having very early ripening, large-size fruit, with medium brix, non-melting flesh and a large percentage of over-color.
Abstract: A new and distinct plum tree variety, Prunus salicina, cv. ‘Suplumfiftytwo’ is characterized by having large fruit with dark red flesh. The fruit of the new variety ‘Suplumfiftytwo’ is also moderately firm, juicy and has a mild sweet flavor. The date of the harvest of the fruit of the new variety is later than for ‘Black Splendor’ (unpatented) and ‘Flavorosa’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 10,285). The fruit of the new variety ‘Suplumfiftytwo’ is larger than the fruit of ‘Black Splendor’ (unpatented) and ‘Flavorosa’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 10,285).
Abstract: A new and distinct plum tree variety, Prunus salicina, cv. ‘Suplumfiftythree’ is characterized by having large, juicy fruit with black skin and red flesh. The fruit of the new variety ‘Suplumfiftythree’ also has a high Brix:Acid ratio, firm flesh, a mild sweet flavor and a stone that clings to the flesh. The date of ripening of the fruit of the new variety is later than for ‘Black Splendor’ (unpatented) and earlier than ‘Owen-T’ (unpatented). The fruit of the new variety ‘Suplumfiftythree’ is larger than the fruit of ‘Black Splendor’ and smaller than the fruit of ‘Owen-T’.
Abstract: A new and distinct plum tree variety, Prunus salicina, cv. ‘Suplumfiftyone’ is characterized by having large fruit with dark red flesh. The fruit of the new variety ‘Suplumfiftyone’ is also moderately firm, juicy and has a mild sweet flavor. The date of the harvest of the fruit of the new variety is later than for ‘Black Splendor’ (unpatented). The fruit of the new variety ‘Suplumfiftyone’ ripens with nearly same timing as the fruit of ‘Friar’ (unpatented) but has a dark red flesh compared to yellow-colored flesh for the fruit of ‘Friar’.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of grapevine ‘Sugrafiftytwo’ is characterized by an early harvest date, the production of a large-sized, green, broad elliptic berry and a high brix:acid ratio. The berries of ‘Sugrafiftytwo’ are very firm.
Abstract: A new and distinct cherry tree variety, Prunus avium L., cv. ‘Sucherryone’ is characterized by very early ripening, large-size fruit, reniform fruit shape and high acidity.
Abstract: A new and distinct nectarine tree variety, Prunus persica var. nucipersica, cv. ‘Sunectwentysix’ is characterized by early ripening, very large sized and sweet fruit having a high brix value and a high brix:acid ratio.
Abstract: A new and distinct grapevine variety ‘Sugrafiftyfive’ is characterized by having dark red-purple, narrow-elliptic berries with a low-acid tropical flavor. The berries ripen in early July. The berries of ‘Sugrafiftyfive’ have 1 to 2 rudimentary soft seed traces per berry.
Abstract: A new and distinct peach tree variety, Prunus persica, cv. ‘Supechtwentythree’ is characterized by having very early ripening, large-size fruit, with medium brix, non-melting flesh and a large percentage of over-color.
Abstract: A new and distinct peach tree variety, Prunus persica, cv. ‘Supechtwentytwo’ is characterized by early ripening, large size fruit having a high brix and a large percent of over-color.
Abstract: A new and distinct grapevine variety ‘Sugrafiftysix’ is described. The new variety ‘Sugrafiftysix’ is characterized by having narrow elliptic, green berries that are very large and very firm and crisp. The berries form large clusters and ripen in mid-season, about August 17th, in the area of Wasco, Kern County, Calif.
Abstract: A new and distinct plum tree variety, Prunus salicina, cv. ‘Suplumfiftysix’ is characterized by having very large fruit, with reddish-black skin and red flesh. The fruit of the new variety ‘Suplumfiftysix’ also has firm flesh, a sweet-mild flavor and a stone that is semi-free from the flesh. The date of ripening of the fruit of the new variety is approximately September 7.
Abstract: A new and distinct plum tree variety, Prunus salicina, cv. ‘Suplumfiftyfive’ is characterized by having early-ripening fruit that is large, with black skin and red flesh. The fruit of the new variety ‘Suplumfiftyfive’ also has firm flesh, a sweet-mild flavor and a stone that is semi-free from the flesh. The date of ripening of the fruit of the new variety is approximately June 10.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of grapevine ‘Sugrafiftyfour’ is characterized by broad elliptic, very large, very firm berries. The new variety of grapevine has large berry clusters with ripening beginning in early August. The berries of ‘Sugrafiftyfour’ have nearly no seed trace.
Abstract: A new and distinct plum tree variety, Prunus salicina, cv. ‘Suplumfiftyseven’ is characterized by fruit that is large, with black skin and dark red flesh and ripens early in the season. The fruit of the new variety ‘Suplumfiftyseven’ also has firm flesh, a mildly sweet flavor and a stone that is adherent to the flesh.
Abstract: A new and distinct nectarine tree variety, Prunus persica var. nucipersica, cv. ‘Sunectwentyseven’ is characterized by very early ripening, very large sized and sweet fruit having a medium brix value.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of grapevine ‘Sugrafiftyeight’ is characterized by the production of a large-sized, dark red, cylindrical berry with a slightly fruity aroma and a very early ripening date. The berries of ‘Sugrafiftyeight’ are very firm.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of grapevine ‘Sugrafiftynine’ is characterized by the production of a large-sized, dark red and narrow elliptic berry with an early ripening date. The berries of ‘Sugrafiftynine’ are very firm.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of grapevine ‘Sugrafiftyseven’ is characterized by an early harvest date, the production of a large-sized, red and broad elliptic berry. The berries of ‘Sugrafiftyseven’ are very firm.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of peach tree, Prunus persica, cv. ‘Supechtwentyfive’ is characterized by very early ripening, large-size fruit, with medium brix, melting flesh, strong adherence of the stone to the flesh, and a large percentage of over-color.