Abstract: A process for the preparation of a soil inoculating composition comprising the steps of a) loading a vermicompost into a tank, b) adding a sufficient amount of water and molasses to vermicompost, c) breeding of microorganism in the mixture obtained in the step b), by adjusting the temperature to a range between 25-27° C. and by providing air into the mixture, d) forcing microorganism in the mixture obtained in the step c), to dormant state by d) adding a sufficient amount of molasses, e) bottling the composition obtained in the step d), for storage, f) resuscitating of microorganism in the stored composition from the dormant state to active state by diluting the composition with a sufficient amount of water before soil inoculation. An apparatus for producing soil inoculating composition comprising two concentric tanks wherein the inner tanks (104) holds the composition and the outer tank (101) acting as an heating system holds a liquid kept at a desired temperature by an heat control system (106).