Patents Assigned to Synfuels International, Inc.
  • Patent number: 7915461
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2011
    Assignee: Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson
  • Patent number: 7915464
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2011
    Assignee: Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson
  • Patent number: 7914745
    Abstract: Methods and systems for the hydrogenation of aldehydes and/or ketones are described herein. The methods and systems incorporate the novel use of a high shear device to promote dispersion and solubility of the hydrogen-containing gas (e.g. H2 gas) in the aldehydes and/or ketones. The high shear device may allow for lower reaction temperatures and pressures and may also reduce hydrogenation time with existing catalysts.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 15, 2008
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2011
    Assignee: Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Abbas Hassan, Ebrahim Bagherzadeh, Rayford G. Anthony, Gregory Borsinger, Azziz Hassan
  • Patent number: 7915465
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2011
    Assignee: Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson
  • Patent number: 7915466
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2011
    Assignee: Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson
  • Patent number: 7914744
    Abstract: Methods and systems for the preparation of chlorohydrins are described herein. The methods and systems incorporate the novel use of a high shear device to promote dispersion and solubility of olefins into the chlorinating phase. The high shear device may allow for lower reaction temperatures and pressures and may also reduce chlorination time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 24, 2008
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2011
    Assignee: Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Abbas Hassan, Ebrahim Bagherzadeh, Rayford G. Anthony, Gregory Borsinger, Aziz Hassan
  • Patent number: 7915463
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2011
    Assignee: Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson
  • Patent number: 7915462
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2011
    Assignee: Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson
  • Publication number: 20110054231
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas from which contaminants have been sufficiently removed to acetylene includes heating the purified gas through a selected range of temperature for adequate time or combustion of the purified gas at adequate temperature within a suitable environment during an adequate reaction time to convert a fraction of the gas stream to acetylene, wherein the acetylene is directed for other processes, reactions, and uses. A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons by combusting externally derived hydrogen for heating natural gas to a selected range of temperature. A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons by reacting conversion products with externally derived hydrogen to form olefins comprising ethylene, and catalytically forming liquid hydrocarbons from the olefins comprising ethylene.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 27, 2009
    Publication date: March 3, 2011
    Inventor: Edward R. Peterson
  • Publication number: 20110041518
    Abstract: A method and system of storing and transporting gases comprising mixing the gases with liquid natural gas to form a mixture. The mixture is a liquid-liquid mixture or slurry, and is stored in vessel configured for maintaining the mixture at a first location. The mixture is transported to a second location for storage in vessel for maintaining the mixture. The mixture is removed from the second location storage vessel for separation and use in additional processes.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 11, 2010
    Publication date: February 24, 2011
    Inventors: Edward R. Peterson, Thomas A. Rolfe
  • Publication number: 20100258476
    Abstract: A system for recovering products from a gas stream comprises a cooled chamber having an inlet that feeds the gas stream to a plurality of sequential conduit loops within the chamber. A critical orifice follows each loop, and each loop includes an output port. Based upon the physical characteristics of each loop, the sizing of the critical orifice following the loop, and the temperature within the chamber, different products are condensed from the gas stream through the output ports. The system may be configured to condense hydrocarbonaceous products such as ethane, propane, butane or methane, as well as fundamental products such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen or hydrogen. Gaseous products may be stored in gas or liquid form or vented to atmosphere depending upon amount, purity, and so forth.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 9, 2009
    Publication date: October 14, 2010
    Applicant: General Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Michael D. Lockhart, Ron McQueen
  • Publication number: 20100258317
    Abstract: Apparatus and methods are disclosed for recovering hydrocarbonaceous and additional products from nonrubilized oil shale and oil/tar sands. One or more initial condensation steps are performed to recover crude-oil products from the effluent gas, followed by one or more subsequent condensation steps to recover additional, non-crude-oil products. At least a portion of the exhaust gas from a combustor may be routed through a heat exchanger to produce the processing gas, the composition of which may be adjusted so that it contains approximately 1% oxygen or less. The subsequent condensation steps may be carried out in at least one cooled chamber having a sequence of critical orifices maintained at a negative pressure. Carbon sequestration steps may be performed wherein recovered carbon dioxide is delivered down the hole following the recovery of the hydrocarbonaceous products. Various physical parameters may be adjusted to vary the recovery of crude oil or other products or contaminants from the effluent gas.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 9, 2009
    Publication date: October 14, 2010
    Applicant: General Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Michael D. Lockhart, Ron McQueen
  • Publication number: 20100258316
    Abstract: Apparatus and methods are disclosed for recovering hydrocarbonaceous and additional products from nonrubilized oil shale and oil/tar sands. One or more initial condensation steps are performed to recover crude-oil products from the effluent gas, followed by one or more subsequent condensation steps to recover additional, non-crude-oil products. The effluent gas is maintained under a negative pressure from the hole and through the initial and subsequent condensation steps. This provides numerous advantages, including the adjustment of various physical parameters during the extraction process. Such adjustment allows the ratio of oils types to be varied, the ratio of hydrocarbonaceous products to non-crude products to be varied, contamination control, and other disclosed advantages.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 9, 2009
    Publication date: October 14, 2010
    Applicant: General Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Michael D. Lockhart, Ron McQueen
  • Publication number: 20100258315
    Abstract: Apparatus and methods are disclosed for recovering hydrocarbonaceous and additional products from oil/tar sands. The method includes the steps of forming a hole in a body of oil or tar sand, positioning an apertured sleeve within the hole to minimize fill-in of the sand, positioning a gas inlet conduit into the apertured sleeve, and introducing a heated, pressurized processing gas into the sleeve through the gas inlet conduit, such that the heated, pressurized processing gas penetrates into the sand through the apertures, thereby converting bitumen within the sand into hydrocarbonaceous products. The processing gas and hydrocarbonaceous products are withdrawn as effluent gas through the hole under relative negative pressure. The apertured sleeve may be installed in sections into the hole as the hole is formed. The apertures in the sleeve may be holes with a circular or other geometry or elongate cuts.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 9, 2009
    Publication date: October 14, 2010
    Applicant: General Synfuels International, Inc.
    Inventors: Michael D. Lockhart, Ron McQueen
  • Publication number: 20100252072
    Abstract: In this disclosure, a reactor system is described. The reaction system comprises (a) a reaction vessel having an inner wall, wherein said reaction vessel is configured to receive reactants and export products and byproducts; (b) a primary quench device (PQD) configured to receive a coolant and disperse said coolant into said reaction vessel; and (c) a secondary quench device (SQD) configured to receive a coolant and disperse said coolant into said reaction vessel; wherein said PQD comprises an array of spray nozzles fixed on the inner wall of said reaction vessel at a first axial position; and wherein said SQD comprises (1) an axially movable pipe having a coolant entry end and a nozzle end, wherein said pipe is configured to be removably fixed inside said reaction vessel; and (2) a spray nozzle that is fluidly connected to said pipe at its nozzle end via a fluid tight seal connection.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 6, 2009
    Publication date: October 7, 2010
    Inventors: Duane MORROW, Joel CANTRELL, Edward R. PETERSON
  • Publication number: 20100167135
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Publication date: July 1, 2010
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson
  • Publication number: 20100167134
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Publication date: July 1, 2010
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson
  • Publication number: 20100167136
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Publication date: July 1, 2010
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson
  • Publication number: 20100167137
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Publication date: July 1, 2010
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson
  • Publication number: 20100167138
    Abstract: A process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons comprising heating the gas through a selected range of temperature for sufficient time and/or combustion of the gas at a sufficient temperature and under suitable conditions for a reaction time sufficient to convert a portion of the gas stream to reactive hydrocarbon products, primarily ethylene or acetylene. The gas containing acetylene may be separated such that acetylene is converted to ethylene. The ethylene product(s) may be reacted in the presence of an acidic catalyst to produce a liquid, a portion of which will be predominantly naphtha or gasoline. A portion of the incoming natural gas or hydrogen produced in the process may be used to heat the remainder of the natural gas to the selected range of temperature. Reactive gas components are used in a catalytic liquefaction step and/or for alternate chemical processing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Publication date: July 1, 2010
    Inventors: Sean C. Gattis, Edward R. Peterson