Patents Assigned to Telephone and Telegraph Company
  • Patent number: 4885435
    Abstract: A manually operated switch that combines spring and contact functions in a low profile, machine-insertable component. The switch readily mounts onto a printed wiring board. It includes a cantilevered leaf spring member having one free end and a pair of spaced-apart fulcrums at the other end; one of the fulcrums being at the point of attachment of the leaf spring to the printed wiring board and the other being a re-entrant bend in the leaf spring in the vicinity of its center. An actuator is positioned to apply a force between the fulcrums such that the free end moves in a direction opposite to the direction of the applied force. Each spring member in combination with suitably placed contact pads is capable of providing a separate switch operation such as: "make" operation, "break" operation, or make-before-break "transfer" operation. A single actuator operates one or more spring members, each independently providing a different one of the above-described switch operations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 1988
    Date of Patent: December 5, 1989
    Assignees: Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Information Systems Inc.
    Inventor: Willard A. Dix
  • Patent number: 4885738
    Abstract: Method and apparatus are disclosed for establishing a wideband communication facility from a plurality of narrow bandwidth channels through a switched communications network from a first to a second terminal in response to a call from the first terminal indicating a customer-selected bandwidth for the wideband facility. Apparatus is also disclosed for establishing a wideband communication path through an illustrative switching system interconnecting groups of narrowband time division multiplexed channels established for the wideband facility. The path has a bandwidth greater than any of the TDM channels. Additional buffer memories and memory control arrangements are added to the initial and final stages of a time-space-time switching network to prevent any of the time slot data of a given time frame from being delayed and included in another time frame.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 1987
    Date of Patent: December 5, 1989
    Assignee: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventors: Thomas E. Bowers, Alan E. Frey, Howard A. Kerr, Larry A. Russell, Roger E. Stone
  • Patent number: 4885741
    Abstract: Modems, data service units, application modules and other data communication devices, installed in a common equipment cabinet, are interconnected by way of a time division multiplexed bus. Time slots assigned to the various devices recur at a number of rigidly-spaced access periods across each time division multiplex frame. The rate at which the access periods occur and the total number of access periods that make up each frame are chosen in such a way as to accomodate a mix of devices having respective bus access rates wherein there is at least one pair of rates for which neither rate of the pair is a multiple of the other. The process of allocating access periods to the time slots is carried out using a known lemma to identify linear Diophantine equation solutions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 3, 1988
    Date of Patent: December 5, 1989
    Assignees: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Information Systems Inc.
    Inventor: William Douskalis
  • Patent number: 4885480
    Abstract: A high speed logic circuit having extremely low propagation delays, suitable for implementation in III-V technology. A logic stage provides the desired logic function by combining a predetermined number of input FETs. The drains of the input FETs couple to a pull-up FET and form a first intermediate output of the logic stage. The sources of the input FETs couple to a pull-down FET and form a second intermediate output of the first stage. A second stage, or buffer stage, responding to the intermediate outputs of the first stage, provides sufficient drive to an output terminal of the logic gate to drive multiple loads (gates) coupled thereto. The second stage includes a pull-down FET responsive to the second intermediate output of the first stage. The second stage also includes alternative combinations of FETs and diodes to pull-up the voltage on the output terminal of the logic gate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 23, 1988
    Date of Patent: December 5, 1989
    Assignee: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventors: Aziz I. Faris, Perry J. Robertson
  • Patent number: 4883335
    Abstract: An optical power tap is disclosed which allows effectively nonreciprocal injection and removal of power at each node of a single-mode optical fiber local area network. The power tap uses a wavelength-selective directional coupler to inject and remove power from the bus, and a nonlinear converter in the bus to convert light from one wavelength to another. In the specific embodiment disclosed a neodymium-doped silica fiber is used as a nonlinear material to convert light from one wavelength to another.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 20, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 28, 1989
    Assignees: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventors: Rodney C. Alferness, Thomas H. Wood
  • Patent number: 4884119
    Abstract: In an optoelectronic integrated circuit, an electronic device is integrated with an optical device by fabricating the electronic device directly in a doped semiconductor layer of the optical device. The optical devices contemplated for use include at least a region of multiple low-doped or intrinsic quantum well layers; electronic devices include bipolar and field-effect transistors. Resulting integrated circuits exhibit a high degree of planarity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 22, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 28, 1989
    Assignees: American Telephone & Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventor: David A. B. Miller
  • Patent number: 4883352
    Abstract: A deep-UV step-and-repeat photolithography system includes a narrow-bandwidth pulsed excimer laser illumination source and an all-fused-silica lens assembly. The system is capable ofline definition at the 0.5-micrometer level. One significant feature of the system is its ability to perform wafer focus tracking by simply changing the frequency of the laser.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 12, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 28, 1989
    Assignee: American Telephone and Telegraph Company
    Inventor: John H. Bruning
  • Patent number: 4882474
    Abstract: A security file system for a portable data carrier provides improved security for the data carrier and for data contained in files in the data carrier. Although the data carrier may be embodied to look and feel much like an ordinary credit card, it contains a computer and a programmable memory with operating power and input and output data provided through a contactless interface. In order to provide security for the data carrier, the security file system on the data carrier includes a stored access code for verifying the identity of an individual attempting to access the data carrier, and an appropriate routine for limiting the number of unsuccessful attempts to access the data carrier. The security file system is also configurable to include select ones of multiple stored access codes for enabling the retrieval and modification of data in corresponding select ones of the files. The routine similarly limits the number of unsuccessful attempts to access these files.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 5, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 21, 1989
    Assignees: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Information Systems Inc.
    Inventors: Ewald C. Anderl, Oren Frankel, Avi Zahavi
  • Patent number: 4881790
    Abstract: An optical fiber communications system with Raman amplification of the signal radiation comprises a broadband pump radiation source, or, preferably, a multiplicity of pump radiation sources and polarization maintaining optical fiber as the transmission medium. The sources are selected to result in a pump radiation spectrum having individual spectral components such that pump radiation intensity for each spectral component in the desired polarization in the fiber core is less than a critical intensity I.sub.c. In particular, the average intensity of pump radiation in a first spectral interval, centered on any wavelength .lambda..sub.p in the pump radiation spectrum and of width equal to the Brillouin line width of the fiber at .lambda..sub.p, is to be less than that average intensity in the first spectral interval that results in conversion of 10% of the radiation in the first spectral interval to stimulated Brillouin radiation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 25, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 21, 1989
    Assignee: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventor: Linn F. Mollenauer
  • Patent number: 4881792
    Abstract: A coupling (20) for backplane connections of an optical fiber arrangement facilitates superbly alignment of optical fibers notwithstanding blind insertion of a portion of the arrangement. The coupling arrangement includes a housing (70) which has a first end portion (52) and a second end portion (49) and which is mounted in an opening of a panel (32) such that it floats and is capable of three dimensional adjustive movement to facilitate alignment of plugs which terminate optical fibers and which are inserted into opposite ends of a sleeve (84) disposed in the housing. A longitudinal movement of the coupling is facilitated by a compression spring (102) which is disposed about the housing between the backplane and a retaining member (104).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 21, 1989
    Assignee: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventors: George M. Alameel, Rodney W. Hammond
  • Patent number: 4880202
    Abstract: A computer printer stand has a rear surface positioned at an obtuse angle with respect to the bottom surface of the computer printer stand so that a bottom-feeding computer printer and the printer stand can be tipped up from the front into a stable position in which they remain standing on the rear surface of the computer printer stand. In the tipped up position, the bottom feed slot is exposed for ease of inserting the beginning of a new stack of paper.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 25, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 14, 1989
    Assignees: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventor: Edward J. Gauss
  • Patent number: 4880771
    Abstract: Novel superconductive Pb-substituted oxides are disclosed. The oxides all have layered perovskite-like crystal structure, and manifest superconductivity (R=o) above about 77K. The materials are described by the nominal formula X.sub.2+x M.sub.3-x Cu.sub.2, where X is Bi and Pb, M is Sr and Ca, 0.ltoreq..times..ltoreq.0.3,, the Pb/Bi ratio is between about 0.2 and about 0.5, and the Sr/Ca ratio is between 0.5 and 2.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 26, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 14, 1989
    Assignee: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventors: Robert J. Cava, Steven A. Sunshine
  • Patent number: 4880291
    Abstract: In an optical fiber connector in which each of two optical fibers (21-21) is terminated by a plug (40) having a passageway (41) for receiving an end portion of the optical fiber, eccentricity of one fiber end relative to the other is reduced by causing each optical fiber to be mounted in a specified orientation with respect to its associated plug passageway.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 4, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 14, 1989
    Assignee: American Telephone & Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventors: James A. Aberson, Jr., George F. DeVeau, Kenneth M. Yasinski
  • Patent number: 4881059
    Abstract: An improved Manchester code receiver is disclosed which samples the received signal and subtracts from that sample a previous sample of the received signal delayed by a half-bit time interval. A timing extractor selects sample timing from the central zero crossing of the received signal. The sample time is selected to be a quarter-bit time after the zero crossing time of the received signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 30, 1987
    Date of Patent: November 14, 1989
    Assignees: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Information Systems Inc.
    Inventor: Burton R. Saltzberg
  • Patent number: 4880396
    Abstract: Disclosed in a compact and inexpensive coaxial connector and jack assembly. The spring member which makes the ground connection to the coaxial cable is designed with sufficient rigidity so that the standard sleeve member surrounding the spring is eliminated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 16, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 14, 1989
    Assignee: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventor: Dominic T. Lipari
  • Patent number: 4878611
    Abstract: A solder joint assembly technique applies controlled volumes of solder to pads of both package and substrate. The two units are positioned adjacent each other with the pads and solder deposits mechanically maintained in registration with each other. The assembly is reflowed and the final separation between package and substrate at which the resulting solder joint solidifies is mechanically controlled in order to control a geometry of the resultant solidified joint. The solder volume deposits may assume various forms including spherical bumps and solder paste deposits.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 9, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 7, 1989
    Assignee: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventors: Francis LoVasco, Michael A. Oien
  • Patent number: 4879763
    Abstract: A bidirectional optical communications system is described using a multiple quantum well structure as both a photodetector and light modulator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 21, 1986
    Date of Patent: November 7, 1989
    Assignee: AT&T Bell laboratories American Telephone and Telegraph Company
    Inventor: Thomas H. Wood
  • Patent number: 4879519
    Abstract: A distortion compensation circuit for power amplifier producing a prescribed distortion component receives an input signal having at least one carrier therein in a prescribed frequency range. The input signal is applied to a first circuit path having an amplifier that produces an amplified signal with the prescribed distortion component and to a second circuit path that delays the input signal without distortion. The output signals of the first and second circuit paths are combined in a first combiner to form a signal representative of the prescribed distortion component. A second combiner forms a signal having an amplified input signal component and inverted phase prescribed distortion component responsive to the output of the first combiner and the output the first circuit path.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 31, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 7, 1989
    Assignee: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Labs
    Inventor: Robert E. Myer
  • Patent number: D304587
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 21, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 14, 1989
    Assignees: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Information Systems Inc.
    Inventors: David C. Danielson, James J. Hartmann, John N. McGarvey, Alvin R. Tilley, John M. Wuerz
  • Patent number: D304726
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 26, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 21, 1989
    Assignees: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Inventors: Richard R. Brooks, John H. Schaffeld