Abstract: A method and apparatus of converting or cutting over from an old or existing telephone company main distribution frame to a new digital/electronic main distribution frame. A specially designed tool apparatus, which enables practice of the method, results in a cutover system wherein multiple splicing operation into a main feeder cable are avoided, such multiple splicing operations having proven to be costly and service affecting in the telephony industry. With the relatively inexpensive tool of the invention, the cutover process is greatly simplified and accomplished more efficiently.The present invention further includes an apertured cover apparatus and a pair lifter tool adapted for use in the above system.
Abstract: A method and apparatus of converting or cutting over from an old or existing telephone company main distribution frame to a new digital/electronic main distribution frame. A specially designed tool apparatus, which enables practice of the method, results in a cutover system wherein multiple splicing operation into a main feeder cable are avoided, such multiple splicing operations having proven to be costly and service affecting in the telephony industry. With the relatively inexpensive tool of the invention, the cutover process is greatly simplified and accomplished more efficiently.