Abstract: A bi-directional antenna-mount amplifier particularly suited to be compatible with a broad range of advanced spread spectrum TDD wireless applications relying on either direct sequence or frequency hopping, at a wide range of frequencies, and which allows the radio device sharing of an associated antenna in different time intervals, where signal distortion is minimized due to operation of the amplifier which is governed by an equation and associated gain control circuits to maintain constant output power and prevent transmit signal saturation.
Abstract: A bi-directional antenna-mount amplifier particularly suited to be compatible with a broad range of advanced spread spectrum TDD wireless applications relying on either direct sequence or frequency hopping, at a wide range of frequencies, and which allows the radio device sharing of an associated antenna in different time intervals, where signal distortion is minimized due to operation of the amplifier which is governed by an equation and associated gain control circuits to maintain constant output power and prevent transmit signal saturation.
Abstract: The system and method are used to convert images on motion picture film or slides to video signals. Color corrections in the video signals are made by adjusting not only the color balance, but also the color hue and saturation, as well as the separate component parts of the luminance signal. During the first phase of operation, the "load" mode, a "standard" set of color correction values is selected so as to provide a video picture which is pleasing to the eye. Then the whole film is color-corrected by providing incremental adjustment signals to be added to or subtracted from the "standard" values for each different scene on the film. The incremental adjustment values are stored in the memory of a digital computer. A frame counter provides a count of the frame at which a color correction is made. Furthermore, each color correction of a frame is given an "event" number. The event and frame numbers are stored together with the adjustment values for each scene or frame.
June 9, 1978
Date of Patent:
June 9, 1981
Teletronics International, Inc.
Armand Belmares-Sarabia, Stanley J. Chayka, Robert M. Lund