Patents Assigned to The Administrators of the Tulane
  • Publication number: 20110190483
    Abstract: Disclosed are apta-chelamers comprising aptamer domains tethered to rationally designed synthetic protein-binding modules, and methods of designing and making the same. Also disclosed are stimulus-responsive apta-chelamers capable of simultaneously or sequentially binding (and, thus, inhibiting) two protein targets.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 10, 2009
    Publication date: August 4, 2011
    Applicant: The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund
    Inventor: Janarthanan Jayawickramarajah
  • Patent number: 7892515
    Abstract: Carbon with mesopores (about two to fifteen nanometers in average pore size) is made using sucrose as a source of carbon, and silica and phosphoric acid as templates for the mesopore structure in the carbon. A silica sol is prepared in a water/ethanol medium and sucrose is dispersed in the sol. Phosphoric acid may be added to the sol to control pore size in the mesopore size range. The sol is dried, carbonized, and the silica and phosphate materials removed by leaching. The residue is a mesoporous carbon mass having utility as a catalyst support, gas absorbent, and the like.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 24, 2007
    Date of Patent: February 22, 2011
    Assignees: GM Global Technolgy Operations LLC, Tulane University; Administrators of the Tulane Education Fund
    Inventors: Qingyuan Hu, Yunfeng Lu, Jing Tang, Mei Cai
  • Patent number: 7888039
    Abstract: Provided is a novel method for detecting Transmissible Spongiform encephalopathies (TSE). The method comprises: selecting a body fluid sample from a subject to determine whether the subject has transmissible spongiform encephalopathy; and detecting antibodies that immune react with Spiroplasma proteins in the sample. The method detects antibodies in the individual sera samples that react with recombinant Spiroplasma-specific Hsp60 by standard ELISA methodology. This method provides for rapid detection of TSE by determination of presence of antibodies in test samples showing associated Spiroplasma infection that has become consistent with presence of TSE. The method provides a mechanism to detect presence of TSE without invasive techniques currently needed to make diagnosis using brain tissues for prion detection. This method provides means of detection of TSE in the live patient without need for using necropsy tissues.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 23, 2005
    Date of Patent: February 15, 2011
    Assignees: Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund
    Inventor: Frank O. Bastian
  • Patent number: 7883995
    Abstract: A novel top-down procedure for synthesis of stable passivated nanoparticles uses a one-step mechanochemical process to form and passivate the nanoparticles. High-energy ball milling (HEBM) can advantageously be used to mechanically reduce the size of material to nanoparticles. When the reduction of size occurs in a reactive medium, the passivation of the nanoparticles occurs as the nanoparticles are formed. This results in stable passivated silicon nanoparticles. This procedure can be used, for example in the synthesis of stable alkyl- or alkenyl-passivated silicon and germanium nanoparticles. The covalent bonds between the silicon or germanium and the carbon in the reactive medium create very stable nanoparticles.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 2, 2008
    Date of Patent: February 8, 2011
    Assignee: The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund
    Inventors: Brian S. Mitchell, Mark J. Fink, Andrew S. Heintz
  • Patent number: 7854937
    Abstract: The present invention relates to peptides and methods of inhibiting fusion between the virion envelope of Flaviviruses and membranes of the target cell, the process that delivers the viral genome into the cell cytoplasm. The invention provides for methods which employ peptides or peptide derivatives to inhibit Flavivirus:cell fusion. The present invention is based in part on the discovery that E1 envelope glycoprotein of hepaciviruses and E2 envelope glycoprotein of pestivirus have previously undescribed structures, truncated class II fusion proteins. The present invention provides peptides and methods of treatment and prophylaxis of diseases induced by Flaviviruses.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 2008
    Date of Patent: December 21, 2010
    Assignees: The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, The Rockefeller University
    Inventors: Robert F. Garry, Srikanta Dash, David H. Coy, Jane A. McKeating
  • Publication number: 20100278857
    Abstract: The present invention provides novel peptides which specifically targets and binds to dendritic cells. Also provided are fusion compositions comprising these peptides and a non-dendritic protein of fragments thereof. Further provided are DNA sequences encoding these peptides and fusion compositions. Methods of using the peptides or fusion compositions to promote an immune responses in an individual via administration also are provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 8, 2004
    Publication date: November 4, 2010
    Inventors: Mansour Mohamadzadeh, Tyler J. Curiel, Cindy A. Morris
  • Patent number: 7790137
    Abstract: A process for synthesizing a metal telluride is provided that includes the dissolution of a metal precursor in a solvent containing a ligand to form a metal-ligand complex soluble in the solvent. The metal-ligand complex is then reacted with a telluride-containing reagent to form metal telluride domains having a mean linear dimension of from 2 to 40 nanometers. NaHTe represents a well-suited telluride reagent. A composition is provided that includes a plurality of metal telluride crystalline domains (PbTe)1-x-y(SnTe)x(Bi2Te3)y??(I) having a mean linear dimension of from 2 to 40 nanometers inclusive where x is between 0 and 1 inclusive and y is between 0 and 1 inclusive with the proviso that x+y is less than or equal to 1. Each of the metal telluride crystalline domains has a surface passivated with a saccharide moiety or a polydentate carboxylate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 14, 2006
    Date of Patent: September 7, 2010
    Assignees: Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, Inc., The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund
    Inventors: Qiangfeng Xiao, Yunfeng Lu, Minjuan Zhang
  • Patent number: 7771727
    Abstract: The invention features conjugates of therapeutic or cytotoxic agents and biologically active peptides and methods of use thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 3, 2003
    Date of Patent: August 10, 2010
    Assignee: The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund
    Inventors: Joseph A. Fuselier, David H. Coy
  • Patent number: 7759329
    Abstract: A method of treating preeclampsia including administering a therapeutically effective dose of resibufagenin to a patient having preeclampsia. Effecting the determination of the presence of preeclampsia may be by determining whether there has been a substantial elevation in marinobufagenin which may be blood-derived or urine-derived and if such elevation does exist, concluding that preeclampsia does exist. The method may advantageously be practiced by employing urine, blood serum or blood plasma as the body specimen containing the protein in determining whether a patient has preeclampsia. In another embodiment, bufodienolide derivatives other than resibufagenin may be employed in lieu of thereof or in combination therewith. In another embodiment, resibufagenin analogues may be employed in the treatment of preeclampsia.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 23, 2005
    Date of Patent: July 20, 2010
    Assignee: The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund
    Inventor: Jules B. Puschett
  • Publication number: 20100160153
    Abstract: Titanium oxide (usually titanium dioxide) catalyst support particles are doped for electronic conductivity and formed with surface area-enhancing pores for use, for example, in electro-catalyzed electrodes on proton exchange membrane electrodes in hydrogen/oxygen fuel cells. Suitable compounds of titanium and a dopant are dispersed with pore-forming particles in a liquid medium. The compounds are deposited as a precipitate or sol on the pore-forming particles and heated to transform the deposit into crystals of dopant-containing titanium dioxide.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 3, 2010
    Publication date: June 24, 2010
    Applicants: GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC., Administrators Of The Tulane Education Fund
    Inventors: Mei Cai, Yunfeng Lu, Zhiwang Wu, Lee Lizhong Feng, Martin S. Ruthkosky, John T. Johnson, Frederick T. Wagner
  • Publication number: 20100137877
    Abstract: Provided is a combined umbilical cord clamp, cutter, disinfectant, and data collecting system which reduces the risk of cord infections due to unsanitary birth conditions. Also provided is an identification system which aids in the collection of birth statistics.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 21, 2009
    Publication date: June 3, 2010
    Inventors: David RICE, William KETHMAN, Bryan MOLTER, Stephanie ROBERTS, Mark YOUNG
  • Patent number: 7716969
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for continuously extracting liquid in at least two separate streams from a vessel, continuously diluting and/or conditioning a first stream in one or more stages, producing, as a result of the extraction, dilution and/or conditioning, the first stream consisting of a dispersion of particles to be characterized, and diluting and/or conditioning a second stream, the second stream consisting of soluble components; and subjecting the first and second streams to various characterizing measurements.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 1, 2007
    Date of Patent: May 18, 2010
    Assignees: The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, Polymer Laboratories Ltd.
    Inventors: Wayne F. Reed, Alina M. Alb, Stephen J. O'Donohue, Robert M. Anderson
  • Publication number: 20100021366
    Abstract: Carbon with mesopores (about two to fifteen nanometers in average pore size) is made using sucrose as a source of carbon, and silica and phosphoric acid as templates for the mesopore structure in the carbon. A silica sol is prepared in a water/ethanol medium and sucrose is dispersed in the sol. Phosphoric acid may be added to the sol to control pore size in the mesopore size range. The sol is dried, carbonized, and the silica and phosphate materials removed by leaching. The residue is a mesoporous carbon mass having utility as a catalyst support, gas absorbent, and the like.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 24, 2007
    Publication date: January 28, 2010
    Inventors: Qingyuan Hu, Yunfeng Lu, Jing Tang, Mei Cai
  • Publication number: 20090324620
    Abstract: The invention features conjugates of therapeutic or cytotoxic agents and biologically active peptides and methods of use thereof.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 25, 2009
    Publication date: December 31, 2009
    Applicant: The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund
    Inventors: Joseph A. Fuselier, David H. Coy
  • Publication number: 20090306311
    Abstract: A method of monitoring the evolution of polymer and/or colloid stimuli responsiveness during synthesis of polymers and/or colloids, including postpolymerization modifications on natural and synthetic polymers, includes providing a reactor in which the polymers and/or colloids are synthesized; and providing a means of monitoring the stimuli responsiveness of the polymers and/or colloids during said synthesis. Preferably, the method also includes monitoring the evolution of the characteristics of the polymers and/or colloids during said synthesis. Preferably, evolution of polymer and/or colloid stimuli responsiveness is correlated to the evolution of the properties of the polymers and/or colloids themselves. Also, preferably the conditions of the fluid in the reactor in which the synthesis occurs is determined. The determination can be by detection, choice of materials and temperature conditions, for example, and combinations thereof.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 5, 2009
    Publication date: December 10, 2009
    Inventor: Wayne F. Reed
  • Publication number: 20090227676
    Abstract: Pharmaceutical compositions and kits useful for the treatment of cancer include certain alkyl esters of cystine and certain alkyl-substituted cystamine derived esters, including, for example, cystine dimethyl ester and a di-alkyl peptidyl cystamine ester, among others. These compounds may be employed in methods of treating cancers or methods of determining sensitivity of certain cancer cells to apoptosis alone, or in combination with other chemotherapeutic, radiological or apoptotic agents.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 28, 2009
    Publication date: September 10, 2009
    Applicant: The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund
    Inventor: Jess G. Theone
  • Patent number: 7550423
    Abstract: The invention features somatostatin antagonists having a D-amino acid at the second residue.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 13, 2003
    Date of Patent: June 23, 2009
    Assignees: The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, Societe de Conseils de Recherches et d'Applications Squentifiques, S.A.S.
    Inventors: David H. Coy, Barry Morgan, William Murphy
  • Publication number: 20090149378
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to peptide analogues of glucagon-like peptide-1, the pharmaceutically-acceptable salts thereof, to methods of using such analogues to treat mammals and to pharmaceutical compositions useful therefor comprising said analogues.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 6, 2008
    Publication date: June 11, 2009
    Applicants: Biomeasure, Incorporated, The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund
    Inventors: Zheng Xin Dong, David H. Coy
  • Publication number: 20090069245
    Abstract: The present invention provides novel compounds that have been demonstrated to be modulators of the ghrelin receptor (growth hormone secretagogue receptor, GHS-R1a and subtypes, iso forms and variants thereof). These compounds are useful as antagonists of the ghrelin receptor as well as inverse agonist, partial agonist or a combination of these activities as medicaments for treatment and prevention of a range of medical conditions including, but not limited to, metabolic and/or endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular disorders, obesity and obesity-associated disorders, diabetes, central nervous system disorders, genetic disorders, and hyperproliferative disorders.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 30, 2007
    Publication date: March 12, 2009
    Inventors: Cyril Y. Bowers, Gloria S. Tannenbaum, David H. Coy, Simon J. Hocart
  • Publication number: 20090047773
    Abstract: A novel top-down procedure for synthesis of stable passivated nanoparticles uses a one-step mechanochemical process to form and passivate the nanoparticles. High-energy ball milling (HEBM) can advantageously be used to mechanically reduce the size of material to nanoparticles. When the reduction of size occurs in a reactive medium, the passivation of the nanoparticles occurs as the nanoparticles are formed. This results in stable passivated silicon nanoparticles. This procedure can be used, for example in the synthesis of stable alkyl- or alkenyl-passivated silicon and germanium nanoparticles. The covalent bonds between the silicon or germanium and the carbon in the reactive medium create very stable nanoparticles.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 2, 2008
    Publication date: February 19, 2009
    Inventors: Brian S. Mitchell, Mark J. Fink, Andrew S. Heintz