Abstract: An electronic stethoscope is disclosed having a palm sized electronic component case with operating switches provided on opposite sides of the case for ease of operation. The stethoscope includes a pickup head coupled to an electronic microphone by means of a flexible tubular acoustic member. A battery powered amplifier and filter circuit is provided within the component case and the amplified and filtered output of the microphone is coupled to a miniature speaker sealed within an airtight container within the case. A rotatable tubular member having radial apertures therein is coupled through the sealed container and out each side of the component case. A binaural headpiece is acoustically coupled to each end of the rotatable member and is thus free to rotate with respect to the case, allowing the stethoscope to fold for storage.
Abstract: In an electronic stethoscope which includes a pickup head, a microphone, a tubular accoustic connection between the pickup head and microphone, an amplifier receiving an input from the microphone, a speaker coupled to the output of the amplifier, a binaural headpiece and tubes acoustically coupling the output of the speaker to the binaural headpiece, there is included a switch by means of which a momentary on operation can be achieved and a timer responsive to the switch to couple power to amplifier circuit, the timer adapted to shut power off after a predetermined period of time. Preferably the amplifier is an integrated circuit operational amplifier with a filter circuit which brings up lower frequencies interposed between the amplifier and speaker.