Abstract: The invention relates to a grinding body for crushing and grinding of ores rocks or earth, inert and all other materials, in drum and other mills. It finds application in ore enrichment, production of construction materials, waste processing and other industrial branches. The grinding body comprises a spheroidal cone, whose forming curve is part of a circle or of some other geometrical curve and a vertex, and a base which is part of a sphere or of other three-dimensional figure, obtained by rotation of geometrical curves and an edge between them. In one of the versions the cone and the base are connected by a cylinder. For better producibility of the grinding body, a flat spot with circular or other shape is made on the surface of the base. In another version the flat spots are made on the surface of the cone and on the surface of the cylinder between the base and the cone. In a subsequent version the vertex of the cone is cut flat with its plane perpendicular or inclined towards the axis of the body.
October 11, 2011
Date of Patent:
December 1, 2015