Abstract: A U-shaped member includes an actuating leg and a handle leg interconnected by a base portion wherein the legs are substantially equal in length with the actuating leg being telescopic if desired. The actuating leg is placed on the inside of the door with the handle leg on the outside. The free end of the actuating leg is positioned against the slider element connected to the security chain and the handle is moved along a line parallel to the slot and passageway in the lock on the door thereby moving the slider to an access opening for removal therefrom, thereby allowing the door to be opened. An alternate embodiment includes leg portions extending perpendicular to the actuating and handle legs to increase the effective length of the tool when being used on locks positioned at an angle to the horizontal. The free end of the actuating leg may have an enlarged end portion which may have a Y-shape including a slot for engagement with the slider.
August 10, 1976
Date of Patent:
September 20, 1977
Tony Johnson, Eloise Johnson, Dale Stevens, Doyle Stevens, Tom Stevens, Fern Casady