Abstract: A dental bondable lingual retainer including a plurality of bonding pads or bases interconnected by bar members or links and a method of making same, wherein the retainer is made from a sheet of fused metal foil and mesh, and the connecting bar members or links have the mesh filled with a suitable material for enhancing the strength of the bar members or closed by attaching a foil to the mesh side.
Abstract: An orthodontic appliance that is convertible to function in both light wire and edgewise techniques and which includes a sheath mountable on a tooth that may selectively receive any one of several wire receiving inserts. Each of the inserts is lockable to the sheath and thereafter removable so that the sheath, while still mounted on a tooth, can alternately be fitted with any one of several inserts. One of the inserts is formed to function as a light wire buccal tube, while another is formed to function as an edgewise buccal tube. A further insert is formed to function as an edgewise bracket.
Abstract: A combination light wire and edgewise appliance for selectively treating a patient by the light wire technique or the edgewise technique, which includes a light wire bracket having a mesiodistally extending archwire slot and an occlusogingivally extending lock pin opening to which may be secured a round archwire by a lock pin and an edgewise module mountable on and securable to the bracket and having a mesiodistally extending and labiobuccally opening rectangular archwire slot, and ligating wings to which may be mounted a rectangular archwire and secured thereto by suitable ligatures.
Abstract: Lock pin for a bracket having a body with an occlusogingivally extending opening, attaching flanges on the lingual side of the body for attaching the bracket to a tooth, and an archwire slot at the gingivolingual corner of the body for receiving one or more archwires, wherein the lock pin includes a tail or shank extending lingual of an archwire or archwires in the archwire slot and with a part having a mesiodistal width that fits snugly between the attaching flanges to prevent relative rotation between the pin and the bracket and a head fitting in the archwire slot having an archwire engaging face of a length at least equal to half the mesiodistal width of the bracket such that a part of the head extends beyond one side of the bracket body so that precise mesiodistal control between the bracket and the archwire can be achieved. In an alternate form the tail is disposed buccal to the head and the archwire.
Abstract: A dental device including a body of plastic material having a plurality of bite block portions and a tongue shield portion for holding a patient's mouth open while restricting movement of the tongue toward the teeth. The bite block portions are adapted to be engaged by the opposing occlusal surfaces of the arches and the tongue shield portion extends between the bite block portions for particularly blocking the tongue from moving toward the lingual surfaces of the teeth.