Patents Assigned to United States Government as Represented by the Secretary of the Army
  • Publication number: 20130066045
    Abstract: Methods for microfabricating composite materials and composite materials prepared there from are described herein. The sacrificial material can be etched or patterned to create a two-dimensional and/or three-dimensional sacrificial material structure. The resulting sacrificial material structure can be embedded in one or more embedding materials. The sacrificial material(s) are materials whose solubility can be altered by application of a stimulus typically pH, and/or temperature, light, pH, pressure, presence of absence of ions, and combinations thereof. The embedding materials can contain one or more additives that modify one or more properties of the embedding materials, such as degradation properties, porosity, mechanical properties, viscosity, conductive properties, and combinations thereof. The composite materials can be used in tissue engineering, drug screening, toxin detection, drug delivery, filtrations, bioseparations, and as microfluidic devices for fluid mixing and structural repair.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 2, 2012
    Publication date: March 14, 2013
    Applicants: The United States Government as Represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventors: Leon M. Bellan, Robert S. Langer, Donald M. Cropek
  • Publication number: 20130018144
    Abstract: A topcoat having a polyfunctional scaffold in the form of a hyperbranched polymer (HBP) with a buoy group coupled to the HBP. The HBP can also have a “delivered” group and/or an anchor group coupled thereto. The buoy group can be a fluorinated chain end, one or more fluorinated and aliphatic chain ends and/or one or more wholly aliphatic chain ends. The “delivered” group can contain at least one of an ionic species, a fluorescent tag, a bioreactive site, a catalyst and the like, and the anchor group an epoxy, a (meth)acrylate or an isocyanate. The water-disbursable topcoat can also include a solubilizing group such as 2-butanone or 4-methyl-2-pentanone coupled to the HBP.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 31, 2012
    Publication date: January 17, 2013
    Inventor: JOSHUA A. ORLICKI
  • Patent number: 8353480
    Abstract: A concentric peripheral canopy parachute having a canopy system including a number of peripheral, stacked, concentric, canopies, each superior canopy centered and spaced above the inferior canopy and having its skirt connected to the vent of the inferior canopy for generating an increased low pressure disturbance behind the canopy system for producing higher fluid drag.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 1, 2010
    Date of Patent: January 15, 2013
    Assignee: The United States Government as Represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventors: James E. Sadeck, Justin Riley, Kenneth J. Desabrais, Calvin Lee
  • Publication number: 20120283631
    Abstract: A system for operating a semi-closed loop and/or a closed loop resuscitation of a burn patient in view of patient information and other physiological data gathered by the system. The system in at least one embodiment includes an urine sensor, an infusion pump and a processor that controls the operation of the infusion pump at least in part from a signal received from the urine sensor.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 3, 2012
    Publication date: November 8, 2012
    Applicant: United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventors: Jose Salinas, George C. Kramer, Guy A. Drew
  • Publication number: 20120101473
    Abstract: A method for providing decision-assist to medical staff resuscitating a burn patient includes receiving patient information, calculating an infusion rate, outputting the infusion rate, obtaining a urinary output, calculating a new infusion rate using infusion rate model based constants, and outputting the new infusion rate. In some embodiments, the method includes notifying medical staff when problems arise, displaying information regarding the resuscitation, and setting limits regarding the infusion rates.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 29, 2011
    Publication date: April 26, 2012
    Applicant: United States Government, as represented by Secretary of the Army
    Inventors: Jose Salinas, George C. Kramer, Leopoldo C. Cancio, Kevin Chung, Elizabeth Mann, Steven E. Wolf, Guy A. Drew
  • Publication number: 20120076927
    Abstract: A thermal treatment process for improving thermo-mechanical properties of ceramic matrix composite materials such as silicon carbide (SiC) matrix composites is described. The treatment process removes excess silicon and/or other process-related defects from the SiC-based matrix as well as the fiber interfacial coating. This invention can be practiced with minimal strength loss for as-fabricated composites formed from high-strength continuous-length ceramic and carbon-based fibers that are functionally stable to 1600° C. and above. The invention provides a method for significantly improving composite thermal conductivity and creep resistance, and for reducing composite porosity.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 1, 2011
    Publication date: March 29, 2012
    Inventors: Ramakrishna T. Bhatt, James A. Dicarlo
  • Publication number: 20110164349
    Abstract: A structural electrochemical capacitor that includes at least one pair of electrodes and a solid electrolytic material disposed between the electrodes which, taken collectively, have sufficient mechanical strength to allow the electrochemical capacitor to be used as a structural component of an article of manufacture is described. The present invention also describes a method of capacitively storing electrical energy and conserving mass and/or volume in a device that includes the steps of: fabricating portions of the structure of a device with high-strength structural electrochemical capacitor that includes at least one pair of electrodes and a body of solid electrolytic material disposed between said electrodes wherein the body of solid electrolytic material accounts for a majority of the mass of a structural element or a majority of the volume of a structural element in the device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 30, 2010
    Publication date: July 7, 2011
    Inventors: JAMES F. SNYDER, Eric D. Wetzel
  • Publication number: 20110151439
    Abstract: A system and method for the rapid identification of biological and chemical analytes that includes an enzyme substrate compound; an aptamer recognizing an analyte; and a recognition probe that comprises a first terminus operatively coupled to an enzyme catalyzing the enzyme substrate compound; a second terminus operatively coupled to an enzyme inhibitor corresponding to the enzyme, wherein the aptamer is positioned between the first terminus and the second terminus; and a stem loop structure positioned between the first terminus and second terminus is provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 18, 2009
    Publication date: June 23, 2011
  • Publication number: 20100276710
    Abstract: An AlGaN composition is provided comprising a group III-Nitride active region layer, for use in an active region of a UV light emitting device, wherein light-generation occurs through radiative recombination of carriers in nanometer scale size, compositionally inhomogeneous regions having band-gap energy less than the surrounding material. Further, a semiconductor UV light emitting device having an active region layer comprised of the AlGaN composition above is provided, as well as a method of producing the AlGaN composition and semiconductor UV light emitting device, involving molecular beam epitaxy.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 12, 2010
    Publication date: November 4, 2010
    Inventors: Anand Venktesh Sampath, Charles J. Collins, Gregory Alan Garrett, H. Paul Shen, Michael Wraback
  • Publication number: 20100229715
    Abstract: A cementitious armor panel assembly including cementitious armor panel with ballistic and blast resistant properties attached to a frame structure to produce a protective structure. The cementitious armor panels have a continuous phase resulting from the curing of an aqueous mixture of an inorganic cement binder, an inorganic mineral filler having a particle size of about 150-450 microns, a pozzolanic mineral filler, a polycarboxylate based superplasticizer self-leveling agent, and water. The mixture may also contain alkanolamine, and acid or acid salt. Prior to curing, the continuous phase is reinforced with fiber uniformly distributed in the continuous phase before it is cured to form the panel. The panel may be reinforced with a skin attached to at least one surface of the panel.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 27, 2009
    Publication date: September 16, 2010
    Applicants: United States Gypsum Company, United States Government as Represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventors: Timothy D. TONYAN, William A. Frank, Ashish Dubey, Kumar Natesaiyer, Bartley P. Durst, Pamela G. Kinnebrew, Toney K. Cummins, Nicholas Boone, William F. Heard, Michael J. Roth, Thomas Slawson, James L. Davis, Ryan Stinson, Carol F. Johnson
  • Publication number: 20100229714
    Abstract: A cementitious panel with ballistic and blast resistant properties having a core layer of ultra-high compressive strength composite and at least one skin layer. The panels can also be used in walls, ceiling and flooring panels which require high compressive strength for resistance to earthquakes and surfaces resistant to surface abuse such as in prison and other institutions. The panel core layer has a continuous cementitious phase resulting from the curing of an aqueous mixture, in the absence of silica flour, of inorganic cement binder, inorganic mineral filler having a particle size of about 150-450 microns, a pozzolanic mineral filler, polycarboxylate based superplasticizer, alkanolamine and acid or alkali metal acid salt; and water. The mixture may be uniformly reinforced with fiber added before curing. The cementitious core layer is then reinforced with the skin, such as fiber reinforced polymer, attached to at least one panel surface.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 27, 2009
    Publication date: September 16, 2010
    Applicants: United States Gypsum Company, United States Government as Represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventors: Timothy D. Tonyan, William A. Frank, Ashish Dubey, Cesar Chan, Bartley P. Durst, Pamela G. Kinnebrew, Torney K. Cummins, Nicholas Boone, William F. Heard, Michael J. Roth, James L. Davis
  • Publication number: 20100133656
    Abstract: A method of preventing the escape of nitrogen during the activation of ion implanted dopants in a Group III-nitride semiconductor compound without damaging the Group III-nitride semiconductor comprising: depositing a first layer of another Group III-nitride that acts as an adhesion layer; depositing a second layer of a Group III-nitride that acts as a mechanical supporting layer; said first and second layers forming an annealing cap to prevent the escape of the nitrogen component of the Group III-nitride semiconductor; annealing the Group III-nitride semiconductor at a temperature in the range of approximately 1100-1250° C.; and removing the first and second layers from the Group III-nitride semiconductor.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 3, 2008
    Publication date: June 3, 2010
    Applicant: United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Army
  • Publication number: 20100074141
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for creating virtual topologies for a mobile ad hoc network comprising generating at least two nodes representing transmitters and/or receivers in the network; each of said at least two nodes having parameters (which may be for example, location, direction, velocity, receiving/transmitting capability); generating a bidirectional or unidirectional link between two nodes when appropriate; storing the specifications of the topology of the network in memory; whereby the stored topologies are adapted to be inputted into a test-bed system capable of emulating a mobile ad-hoc network. Optionally, the images of the nodes and links are displayed on a display and/or may be stored on a programmable storage medium.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 24, 2008
    Publication date: March 25, 2010
    Applicant: United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventor: Binh Quang Nguyen
  • Publication number: 20090239977
    Abstract: A self-leveling cementitious mixture with excellent flow properties and which hardens with a controlled rate of strength development to an ultra-high compressive strength composite composition for use in making articles such as cementitious armor panel with ballistic and blast resistant properties including: a continuous phase resulting from the curing of an aqueous mixture, in the absence of silica flour, of inorganic cement binder, inorganic mineral filler having a particle size of about 150-450 microns, pozzolanic mineral filler, polycarboxylate based self-leveling agent and water. The cementitious mixture may include alkanolamine, such as triethanolamine, and acid or acid salt, such as tartaric acid. The cementitious composition may be reinforced with reinforcing fibers, e.g. glass fibers, in an amount of about 0.5-6.0% by volume of the overall cementitious composition. The fibers are uniformly dispersed in the cementitious composition before it is cured to form a final cementitious armor panel.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 27, 2009
    Publication date: September 24, 2009
    Applicants: United States Government as Represented by the Secretary of the Army, United States Gypsum Company
    Inventors: Ashish Dubey, Cesar Chan, Kumar Natesaiyer, Bartley P. Durst, Pamela G. Kinnebrew, Toney K. Cummins, Nicholas Boone, William F. Heard, Michael J. Roth, Thomas Slawson
  • Publication number: 20080061916
    Abstract: A MEMS device comprising a substrate; an anchored end connected to the substrate; and an actuator comprising a first electrode; a piezoelectric layer over the first electrode; and multiple sets of second electrodes over the piezoelectric layer, wherein each of the sets of second electrodes being defined by a transverse gap there between, and wherein one of the sets of second electrodes are actuated asymmetrically with respect to a first plane resulting in a piezoelectrically induced bending moment arm in a lateral direction that lies in a second plane. The device further comprises an end effector opposite to the anchored end and connected to the actuator; a ferromagnetic core support structure connected to the end effector; a movable ferromagnetic inductor core on top of the ferromagnetic core support structure; and a MEMS inductor coiled around the ferromagnetic core support structure and the movable ferromagnetic inductor core.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 8, 2007
    Publication date: March 13, 2008
    Applicant: United State Government as represented by Secretary of the Army
    Inventor: Jeffrey Pulskamp
  • Patent number: 7017466
    Abstract: A method for removing a damaged primer from the primer chamber of a cannon. The method comprises the steps of running a starter tap into a damaged primer, and shaking the damaged primer loose from the primer chamber so that the damaged primer comes out of the primer chamber on the edge of the tap.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 3, 2004
    Date of Patent: March 28, 2006
    Assignee: The United States Government as Represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventor: Terry L. Davis
  • Publication number: 20050033122
    Abstract: An apparatus and a method for predicting cognitive performance of an individual based on factors including preferably sleep history and the time of day. The method facilitates the creation of predicted cognitive preformance curves that allow an individual to set his/her sleep times to produce higher levels of cognitive performance. The method also facilitates the reconstruction of past cognitive performance levels based on sleep history.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 15, 2004
    Publication date: February 10, 2005
    Applicant: United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventors: Thomas Balkin, Gregory Belenky, Stanley Hall, Gary Kamimori, Daniel Redmond, Helen Sing, Maria Thomas, David Thorne, Nancy Wesensten
  • Publication number: 20020184797
    Abstract: A device for removing sludge from a lagoon, includes an elongated frame including first and second end portions. The frame includes first and second laterally spaced runners defining a recess therebetween. A scoop is positioned in the recess and includes an inclined bottom. One of the first and second end portions includes an opening which is in fluid communication with the scoop for allowing the sludge to flow therein. A pump is operably connected to the scoop for pumping the sludge collected in the scoop to a remote location.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 8, 2001
    Publication date: December 12, 2002
    Applicant: The United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventors: Courtland James Mertel, Jr., Dennis J. Lambert
  • Patent number: 5474837
    Abstract: Rigid composite laminates of paper and glass layers, suitable for use as camouflage, are provided. This combination of components allows for great versatility in the final design and utility. A strong bond is obtained between paper and a fiberglass layer due to formation of a resin-cellulose matrix which allows interbonding between the paper and fibrous glass. The composite laminates may include other coatings or signature control layers and can be used as simple appliques or construction materials. A method for preparing the composite laminates is also provided wherein the paper is treated to enhance porosity in the formation of the resin-cellulose matrix.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 21, 1994
    Date of Patent: December 12, 1995
    Assignee: The United States Government as Represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventors: Jonathan C. Duke, Jr., Patrick B. Durst, David L. Meeker
  • Patent number: 5243851
    Abstract: The invention is a free standing engine tester that can be fabricated of el stock and vehicle parts available in forward military areas where it is used. The tester has a vehicle transmission and "final drive" power take off units mounted to a frame, and the final drive units contain braking mechanisms by which a load can be applied to the engine. The engine and transmission are mounted on a frame whose configuration and low center of gravity prevent engine torque from tipping the tester. A winch mounted to the frame has a hand operated crank by which a person using the tester can sufficiently tension a brake actuation cable engaged to the braking mechanisms so that a stall load can be applied to the engine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 1992
    Date of Patent: September 14, 1993
    Assignee: The United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Army
    Inventors: Jeffery S. Parks, Joseph D. Brown