Abstract: A method of removing from a valve, a backseat and packing means, without the necessity of first removing the packing means from the body of the valve so as to provide access for removal of the backseat, comprising the steps of: (a) providing a member and with the same cooperatively engaging the backseat for purpose of removing the same from the valve; (b) manipulating the member so as to release the backseat from its secured position within the body of the valve; and (c) further manipulating the member to withdraw the backseat and the packing means from the valve body. There is provided an apparatus for carrying out the aforementioned method.
Abstract: The method of producing a cage unit for mounting a metal diaphragm in a hermetically sealed diaphragm globe valve having a valve body and bonnet of forged austenitic stainless steel in which the diaphragm unit consists of 8 to 12 very thin (0.006"-0.