Abstract: A method for processing waste material converts organic matter such as non-pretreated infectious hospital wastes, hazardous wastes, refinery wastes, paper wastes and other similar gaseous, liquid, or solid organic wastes, into hydrogen and carbon by photodecomposition. The waste material is converted by exposing the organic waste materials to a sufficiently intense field of radiation which causes the decomposition, or breakdown, of the organic materials into their component elements. Because the environment within the reaction chamber is controlled to minimize the presence of oxidizing agents, the decomposition products, primarily carbon and hydrogen, can be withdrawn and collected for subsequent use.
April 10, 1995
Date of Patent:
February 11, 1997
Advanced Waste Treatment Technology, Inc.
Abstract: A method for converting solid organic fuels, most particularly coals, into high temperature gases that can easily be transformed into useful energy. This method employs a substantially closed reactor, referred to as a gasifier, having an internal reaction chamber or cavity made of materials that can tolerate the presence of oxygen at high temperatures, that possess low thermal mass, that limit or restrict the passage of heat, that function as almost perfect black bodies at high temperatures, and that are resistant to the abrasive effects of the solid fuels.
November 12, 1991
Date of Patent:
August 17, 1993
Advanced Waste Treatment Technology, Inc.
Abstract: A method of treating sewage is disclosed that is particularly suitable for one or a small group of residential dwellings in environmentally sensitive areas. The raw sewage is flowed first into an aerobic first cell where it is aerated and forced into a highly aerobic condition where aerobic bacteria grow and consume phosphorus in a vigorous life cycle and then die. Substantial primary unloading of B.O.D., T.S.S., coliform, and phosphorous is accomplished in this first cell. The fluid from the first cell overflows into a second cell where additional sedimentary clarification occurs and it goes anaerobic. A third cell has an upwelling flow through a porous medium substrate where anaerobic bacteria converts nitrogen in nitrates and nitrites to nitrogen gas, and the fluid then flows into a fourth holding cell. The effluent in the holding cell can then be flowed intermittently through a sand filter that has a bed of dolemite for final removal of residual phosphorus before it flows into a drain field.
August 1, 1986
Date of Patent:
May 2, 1989
Waste Treatment Technologies, Inc.
Marc M. Spratt, Geoffrey W. Harvey, Thor A. Jackola