Abstract: The present invention is a system and method for removal of buried objects. According to one embodiment of the invention, a crane with a vibrator casing driver is used to lift and suspend a large diameter steel casing over the buried object. Then the casing is driven into the ground by the vibratory driver until the casing surrounds the buried object. Then the open bottom of the casing is sealed shut by injecting grout into the ground within the casing near its bottom. When the seal has cured and hardened, the top of the casing is lifted to retrieve the casing, with the buried object inside, from the ground.
August 29, 2006
Date of Patent:
June 3, 2008
Worth Wind, Inc. (Assignee of the interest of Grams, Crass, and Riess)
Robert G. Alexander, Dennis Crass, William Grams, Steven J. Phillips, Mark Riess